Before This Ends Read Online Aurora Rose Reynolds

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 89224 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 446(@200wpm)___ 357(@250wpm)___ 297(@300wpm)

“Busy, but it’s always busy on Mondays, so I wasn’t surprised.” My eyes find his. “I called a friend of mine today who is a realtor. She’s going to do some research to see if there are any apartments available in my price range.” I move to the fridge and start pulling out the stuff Winter and I prepared earlier and placed in bowls. “I know I have some time before Miranda’s lease is up, but I realized this morning when it took me an hour to find my bathroom stuff that I hate living out of boxes and my suitcase.”

“You want me to ask Clay about the apartment downstairs that’s finished?”

“Tucker asked the same thing when I spoke with Miranda this afternoon.” I watch him place the shells in the oven. “I don’t need more than one bedroom, and all the ones here are two or more, which is way too much space for just me.” I walk over to the stove and turn down the burner. “Plus, I’m sure the rent would be more than I could afford right now.”

“He’d be willing to work with you if you asked.”

“Maybe, but I’d never ask that, not when I can find an apartment in my budget somewhere else,” I tell him, then look toward the living room when Winter announces she’s done with her reading.

“Have you heard from Karen?” I ask him softly, watching Winter roll off the couch and sprawl out on the floor before she begins crawling toward the kitchen.

“I spoke with her this afternoon. She’s planning on coming back next week. Clay and Tucker get back Thursday.” His gaze meets mine. “Do you think you can help me out for a couple more days?”

“Of course. How’s Karen’s son-in-law doing?”

“He’s home and recovering, but it’s going to be a long road.”

“Yeah, but he’s able to be home with his family, which is better than the alternative,” I say quietly my heart clenching.

“True,” he agrees softly in understanding.

“Is dinner done?” Winter asks, popping up next to me and making me jump.

“You scared me.” I pull her into me and tickle her sides, making her giggle.


“It’s okay. Wash your hands, and we can eat.” I let her go and look up at Miles.

Not sure what the look on his face is, I go to the cupboard and get down plates.

“Are we eating at the table like last time?” Winter asks, leaning into Miles after washing her hands, and I look at her dad.

“It’s your call,” he tells me.

“It’s not.” I laugh. “I grew up eating at the table. It was only on occasion that we ate in front of the TV. But this is not my home, so it’s up to you.”

“We’ll eat at the table,” he decides with a look on his face that I can’t quite decipher.

“Can we play cards after dinner?” I drag my eyes from him and look down at Winter when she steps away from her dad and comes to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. “Pleeease.”

“Sure, what game?” I ask her.

“Exploding Kittens.”

“Exploding Kittens?” I repeat, wondering what in the world kind of game that is. “Why would you want to explode anything, especially kittens?”

“They don’t really explode.” She laughs. “That’s just the name of the game.”

“That’s a horrible name.” I look at Miles while Winter continues to giggle. “Maybe you should track down the person who invented that game, because they are obviously not okay.” I watch him smile and listen to Winter laugh hysterically.

“I’ll work on that tomorrow,” he assures.

“Good, they need to be taken off the streets immediately.” I smile at Winter’s happy face and smooth her hair out of her eyes. “How many tacos do you want?”


“Seven,” I repeat dramatically. “Where are you going to put seven tacos?”

“In my belly.”

“How about you start out with three and go from there?”

“Okay,” she agrees just as her iPad on the island begins to ring. Squealing in happiness, she rushes toward the device. Once she has her bottom on the stool, she pulls the iPad closer, and a second later, the sound of Hazel’s voice fills the room. Last time I was here, Winter and she spoke as well, but it was only for a few minutes, because Winter was distracted by Tangled. That and she was half asleep.

“Hey, honey,” Hazel says as Miles takes the shells out of the oven, and I turn off the stove. “How was school?”

“Good! Emma came to pick me up, and we went to the grocery store,” she informs her.

“Miss Karen still isn’t back?”

“Not yet.” She smiles. “Emma is here. We made tacos, and we’re going to eat them at the table.”

“That’s nice.”

“Then we’re going to play Exploding Kittens.”

“Did you already do your homework?”

“Yes, and all my reading.”

“What time is Dad getting home?”

“He’s home now.” She spins the iPad around to face Miles.

