Total pages in book: 28
Estimated words: 27032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 135(@200wpm)___ 108(@250wpm)___ 90(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 27032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 135(@200wpm)___ 108(@250wpm)___ 90(@300wpm)
Day had gotten so used to him crashing on his couch that he’d given him a dresser drawer and some space in the hall closet.
“Mm-hmm.” God tore his shirt over his head, and Day quickly averted his eyes. God grabbed the thin blanket off the back of the couch and spread it over his chest.
“Night, bro.”
Day turned out the lights, except the dim one in the hall, and had almost closed himself in his room when he heard God whisper, “Night.”
The sound of low murmurs jerked Day out of fitful sleep. He rubbed his eyes, his mind struggling to catch up on the minimal amount of sleep he’d gotten for days.
Instinctually, he reached for his phone to check the time. It was almost three in the morning, and he still had a couple of hours to rest. He wondered if he’d been dreaming too hard, but the strangled murmurs followed by a loud grunt had him on his feet.
He hurried out of his room, his bare footsteps light as he made his way down the short hallway.
Day scanned the room until his gaze landed on God. His big, muscular frame looked even more imposing in the darkness, but the twitches and flexed tendons in his neck made a sense of dread wash over Day.
God let out a long groan as if he were in pain.
Day hurried to God’s side and went down on one knee, careful not to startle him out of whatever battle was occurring in his mind.
“God,” he whispered.
God’s brow furrowed as he let out another strained grunt. His breathing shifted, more urgent now, and Day’s chest began to tighten.
Something or someone was tormenting his partner.
God’s temple pulsed, his lips pulling into a grimace as he released a deep whimper that broke Day’s heart.
“God…wake up.”
God inhaled a sharp breath, then jerked his head to the right as if he’d been struck.
Day’s voice didn’t seem to be making it through whatever nightmare was playing out in God’s subconscious.
Day’s throat felt blocked. He’d never seen God look or sound so vulnerable. This was not the hard-assed cop he’d come to know.
“Hey,” Day whispered, his voice no more than a breath as he reached out his hand and gently rested it on God’s broad shoulder.
It trembled under his palm, but he wasn’t sure if it was from the dream or his touch.
“You’re safe,” Day murmured close to God’s ear, careful to keep his voice steady so he didn’t shock him. “I’m right here.”
He kept his palm resting firmly in place. “I’ll always be right here at your side.”
God’s body stiffened, and Day feared he might’ve made things worse, but then a calmness settled over his partner. His jolting slowed, and the tension and stiffness in his face began to relax. That ever-present hardened mask softened, and God’s breathing evened out.
“No matter what we do from here on, God, you’ll always be number one in my life.”
God sighed and shifted closer to Day.
The truth of Day’s confession was like a weight lifted off his heart. They were words he’d wanted to say for a long time but hadn’t gotten the chance.
He stayed in that position until God drifted into a peaceful sleep, his breathing smooth and calm.
Day eased his hand away and stepped back until he sat in the recliner. He’d be close by in case God’s demons came back.
Day would stand watch and fight all night for him if he had to.
One year later…
Day pushed the captain’s door open and poked his head inside.
“You wanted to see us?”
“Yeah, get your asses in here,” Captain Murphy barked.
Even when they hadn’t done shit wrong, worked their asses off, and followed all the rules—mostly—when Cap summoned them, it felt as if he were walking into a lion’s den.
The precinct teased them mercilessly—some even hatefully—that Murphy had a soft spot for them, but if he did, the man sure as hell didn’t show it.
“God, Day.” The captain’s tone was no-nonsense as he stared them down.
“Sir.” Day frowned, confused.
It was then he noticed the two shiny detective badges on the desk, gleaming like new money under the harsh fluorescent lights.
Day inhaled a sharp breath, and he could almost hear God’s pulse quicken from where he stood behind him.
Murphy looked as if he were suppressing a grin as he tossed them both a badge that would replace the ones on their scratchy polyester uniforms.
“I know you guys have gotten shit from the other officers for getting this promotion so fast, but you’ve earned it…and they haven’t. You passed the exam and the months of training with flying colors.”
Day smiled, glad all those late nights, lack of sleep, and knots of stress in his neck had paid off.
“And you’ve kicked ass in phase four of your training. You guys are as ready as you’ll ever be.”
God’s fists were balled tight at his side, his jaw set, showing his emotions in the only way he knew how.