Before They Were Lovers Read Online A.E. Via

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 28
Estimated words: 27032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 135(@200wpm)___ 108(@250wpm)___ 90(@300wpm)

“I’m Detective Johnson. I’m a ballistics expert for Zone Three, so I move from precinct to precinct, and lucky me, I happened to be in yours this week.”


Day smirked at this sexy son of a bitch who he’d never seen before.

“Lucky, huh?”

“Yeah, you two are the men of the hour. I’ve heard amazing things.”

Johnson continued to sidle up close to him. “I’ve heard a whole lot about you, Officer Day.”

Oh gosh.

He probably heard the “whole lot” part from Ronowski, who’d made it his life’s mission to ensure everyone in their zone knew Day preferred men. Though Ronowski probably didn’t say it so politically correct.

“Well, um, it was nice meeting you,” Day said, trying to back away.

Johnson wore entirely too much cologne, so much that it stifled him, which was a huge turnoff.

“Hey, hey, hold on.” Johnson blocked his path. “I gotta say, it’s impressive how you took down those cartel members.”

“I wasn’t alone. There was an entire task force there, and I have a damn good partner.” Day gestured to God. “This is Godfrey. He’s—”

“Wow, I gotta say. I didn’t know you were so gorgeous, Day.” Johnson let out a low whistle as his gaze traveled down Day’s body like physical heat.

Day blinked, his smile thinning.

“Um, thanks, I think,” Day muttered.

“No, seriously.” Johnson licked his lips, his tone lowering to a deep, raspy growl. “I should’ve come around much sooner.”

Day didn’t know what the hell to say. He liked a man with confidence, but this was a bit much.

“How about you and I go out this Friday night? I’d planned on breaking in my new Genesis Sedan. So why don’t I pick you up around nine, and you take a ride with me.”

Day couldn’t believe this guy’s nerve.

“I’m sure that’ll be frowned on, Detective Johnson, since we work together and I’m your subordinate.”

Johnson invaded Day’s space, his hand brushing over his arm. He caught a glimpse of God’s borderline murderous expression.

“It’s fine. Trust me.” Johnson grinned slyly. “My father is the commissioner. I’ve got plenty of power behind me.”

Crash and burn. Day was officially turned off.

“I hear you’re on your way to doing great things. Me, you…imagine—”

“God and I are on our way to doing great things,” Day stressed.

“Right,” Johnson dismissed. “You and I could be a powerful duo, don’t you think? Come on, take a ride with me.”

“Thanks, but I’m really busy…maybe some other time.” Day grimaced.

Johnson hummed low and creepy, licking his full lips.

Day shifted his eyes away. “Or not.”

Johnson chuckled. “And you’re funny. I like that.”

“I’m not that funn—”

“And you got pretty eyes.” Johnson stared.

Day slowly removed his sunglasses from his breast pocket and slid them on.

God snorted.

“Oh, you like to play hard to get, huh?” Johnson inched even closer. “I low-key like that.”

Day’s gut twisted. He’d been hit on plenty, but he felt as if he were staring in a frightening episode of How to Catch a Predator.

Johnson inhaled. “Damn, you smell good.”

“I haven’t showered in thirty-eight hours, and I’m wearing the blood and sweat of about ten different men, so…”

“Then you wear it well.” Johnson leered.

“For fuck’s sake,” God growled. “Let’s go, Day.”

Day sighed with a breath of relief. Finally, his partner decided to speak up. It was about damn time he came to his rescue.

“I can see you have places to be, but be sure I’ll catch you later.”

“Not if I run fast enough.” Day smiled sarcastically.

Johnson chuckled and spread his arms wide, glancing down at his expensive shoes and designer suit as if admiring himself.

“You really gonna make me chase you, Day?”

“All the way to the depths of hell if I have to,” Day quipped.

God barked a sudden laugh that Johnson ignored.

Day squeezed from around his potential stalker—who’d had him pinned against the wall and took a breath of fresh air.

“It was a pleasure meeting you, Officer Day,” Johnson called out.

Day waved over his shoulder. “Sure thing, and thank you for making me super uncomfortable.”

“Oh, and feisty too.” Johnson’s cringy laugh was the last thing Day heard before the locker room doors closed.



Day sat at his desk, buried in mounds of incident reports. He had such laser focus he could’ve burned holes through the pages. God was across from him, silent as always. It was a welcome quiet. However, the sound of polished shoes clicking across the floor echoed the threat of unwanted disturbance. It grew louder every second.

Day ground his teeth.

“God. Can you send me the link to a YouTube tutorial on what to do when you have a stalker?”

Johnson’s cologne reached him before he did. He stared down at him with that insufferable grin, leaning heavily against Day’s desk.

“Good evening, Day.” Johnson’s voice dripped down on him like battery acid. “I was hoping I could steal a minute of your time.” Johnson shot a quick glance at God. “Alone.”

“I’m real busy, Johnson,” Day said. “Besides, save your breath. I’m not interested in a ride in your sixty-thousand-dollar car.”

