Because of Her – Jack & Jill Read Online Jewel E. Ann

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 108165 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

“Dad, you can’t take your eyes off Wylder for one second, or he will be gone,” Livy says while transferring the take-out to a plate.

“Good idea. I’m glad you said something,” Jackson kisses Ryn’s tiny head and rolls his eyes.

“Sorry. I have to say it. I know you know, but I would never forgive myself if anything happened and I didn’t say it.”

“How about I guard him with my life like I did for you?”

She sits at the kitchen table and gives him a tiny grin. “That’s a great idea.”

Slade doesn’t say a word; he just smirks with amusement.

My phone vibrates in my pocket as I ease into the rocking chair. I retrieve it and read the message from Frankie.

Frankie: Something came up. I’m sorry. It won’t work for you and Wylder to visit this weekend. Please apologize to him for me

Jackson reads her text a second time before calling her.

It goes to voicemail.

He tries again and again, but it goes to voicemail. “Hey, call me. What’s going on? Is everything all right?” He ends the call and sets his phone on the arm of the chair, hoping she calls right back.

“What’s up?” Livy asks with a concerned look on her face.

Jackson slowly shakes his head. “I’m not sure. Frankie texted that something came up and the trip won’t work this weekend.”

“Is everything okay?” Livy wipes her mouth.

He rubs Ryn’s back. “I don’t know. I tried calling her, but she didn’t answer.”

“Maybe it’s something with her family. She might be on the phone with one of them and is unable to take your call.”

“Maybe,” he murmurs, staring at his phone.

Over the next thirty minutes, he tries her a dozen more times with no answer. And five texts go unanswered as well.

“I’m heading home,” he announces, handing Ryn to Livy when she sits on the sofa.

“Still no answer?”

“No answer.” He tucks his phone back into his pocket.

“So, are you still going?” Livy rests Ryn on her shoulder over a burp rag.

He shrugs and shakes his head. “No. I … I don’t know. I assume the answer is no, but I can’t know that until I talk with her. If she answers my call.”

“I’m taking wild child upstairs for a bath,” Slade announces, slinging a giggling Wylder over his shoulder.

Livy gives him a smile and a quick nod.

“Love you,” Jackson says, bending down to kiss Livy on the cheek.

“Love you too. And I’m sure everything’s fine. After all, you didn’t give her much notice. In her excitement, she probably forgot about some other obligation.”

He nods slowly, making a sad attempt at a reassuring smile. Something feels off. “Probably.”

As he crosses the street to his house, he gets a text.

Frankie: Sorry. I’ve been out and unable to answer my phone or return your texts. Again, I’m sorry. We’ll plan it after the holidays <3

He narrows his eyes at her reply. How did they go from this weekend to after the holidays? It’s mid-October. Before he even reaches his door, he calls her.

After three rings, she answers. “Hey.” Her voice sounds gravelly.

“Am I waking you?” He glances at his watch. It’s nine her time.

“No. I, uh … had a day. A long day. Lots of talking. It took a toll on my voice.”

“Frankie, what’s wrong?”


He closes his door and turns on the lights. “Why can’t Wylder and I visit this weekend?”

She clears her throat. “I forgot I have a speaking engagement.”

Livy was right. But he’s still uneasy about something. She seems off.

“How long is the engagement? All weekend?”

Again, she clears her throat. “It’s at an institution in Philadelphia.”

Jackson sits at his desk, putting her on speaker while he opens his laptop. “Oh yeah? What institute?”


“What institute are you speaking at?”

“Um … Curtis. What does it matter? I won’t be here, and that’s why this weekend is not good.”

She’s not lying about the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia.

“What is your topic?”

“Jack … I don’t mean to be rude, but it is late here. And I have to be up early. Can we talk about this another time?”

“Sure.” He looks for anything involving Curtis and Francesca Holter. There’s nothing.

“Good night,” she whispers.


She doesn’t answer, but he knows she’s still on the call.

He laces his fingers behind his neck and closes his eyes briefly. “I fucking love you.”

“Yeah, you too.” She ends the call.



Today, I get out of bed.

I shower.

I might even eat.

There are a slew of messages from my parents and Jack. I missed my dad’s birthday, and they know it’s not like me. Jack wants to know how the speaking engagement at Curtis went.

So many questions.

Staring at my phone, sitting next to my plate of untouched oatmeal and a cup of lukewarm coffee, I contemplate booking a trip far away from here. But that would require leaving my house. And I can’t bring myself to open the blinds, let alone unlock a door.

