Because of Her – Jack & Jill Read Online Jewel E. Ann

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 108165 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

“Maybe.” He slips his hands into the front pockets of his cargo pants.

“Go home, Jack. Don’t die alone. I know you have a family somewhere who misses you.”

His brow furrows. “Why do you say that?”

I toss the barely salvageable photos into the box and step in front of him, feathering the back of my hands along his cheeks and tracing the fine lines with my thumbs. “The eyes don’t lie.”

He slides his hand from my bicep to my hand on his face. “What do mine say?”

“You’re not where you belong. Your eyes have so much longing and deep regret; it’s soul-crushing.”

Something in his face softens as he studies me, processing my words. With a tiny nod, he steps backward, turns, and heads toward the garage. Sometimes, there’s no glory or joy in being right about things.

Feeling seen doesn’t always feel comforting.

Being with the wrong person can feel more lonely than being completely alone. I fear I’m nothing more than a reminder of the people in his life whom he has lost or fears he may never see again.

Checking my watch, I pull in a long breath. I need to shower and meet Archer for dinner.

“Pizza?” I laugh when Archer and his bodyguards guide me to the back of the Italian restaurant—another private room.

“I don’t have the patience for a seven-course meal tonight.” He loosens his tie when the door shuts, leaving us alone with a round table, a large pizza, and two glasses of wine. Archer reminds me of Robert Redford in Indecent Proposal, only he hasn’t offered me a million dollars to sleep with him.

“You seem…” I pluck a mushroom from the pizza and pop it into my mouth, “…agitated.”

Archer drinks his whole glass of wine. “My daughter accidentally burned down a house. Some place in Boone. The arson investigators have been up my ass.”

There’s knowing, and then there’s knowing. My hand shakes, and I hug myself to mask my visceral reaction.

Why didn’t I wear a wire? Would it have mattered? Could I make a case and get a fair trial around here?

“How does one accidentally burn down someone else’s house?”

He eyes me, and I can tell he’s formulating a lie. “Just kids being irresponsible with fireworks.”

Does he know it was Steven’s house? Does he know about the letter? This is so messed up.

“So what did you do?” I clear my throat and keep my distance despite Archer prowling toward me.

“Fixed it. That’s all I do. Fix other people’s shit.” After his tie is undone and tossed onto the table, he unbuttons the top three buttons of his shirt. “Why are you so skittish?” He grins when my butt hits the edge of the table, and he’s pressed to my body, hands roaming from my hips to my ass. “Jeans.” He frowns. “Interesting choice. Let’s get you out of them.” He tugs the button while ducking to nip at my neck.

I grab his hand. “I’m having my period. Hence, the jeans.”

He stills, slowly lifting his head. “I don’t give a fuck.” He slides down my zipper.

Again, I grab his hand. “Well, I do.”

His gaze sweeps across my face several times, unsure if I’m trustworthy. Then his hand slides up my shirt, and I reach for his wrist, but he tsks, shaking his head. “You said I could touch your boob.”

Slowly releasing the air in my lungs that I’ve held hostage since we entered the room, I rest my hands on the table's edge, maintaining eye contact with Archer as his hand covers my breast and he shoves my bra over it, squeezing my naked flesh.

He smirks for a second.

My lips part because it feels good, but at the same time, I feel nauseous in the pit of my stomach. I don’t want his touch to feel good. I don’t want to have a physical attraction to such an awful man. I close my eyes and imagine it’s Jack.

Archer uses his other hand to guide one of my hands to his erection, forcing me to cup him and stroke him over his pants. “I’m going to fuck your beautiful mouth.”

I can’t breathe. He feels like the devil. The father of an evil spawn. Will he stop protecting her if I can crawl under his skin and infiltrate his vulnerable side? Can I weaken their untouchable empire? Their hold on everyone in this godforsaken town?

Archer shoves my shirt to my neck and sucks my nipple so hard I yelp.

He grins with his teeth digging into my flesh while he releases his cock from his briefs. Stroking himself, he eyes me while lapping his tongue over my breast.

This is so messed up. I don’t feel like myself. The need for revenge has created this alter ego that takes over when I’m with Archer. A protective mask that I can shed when this is over. He’s touching Iris. She’s not me. She’s immune to ethics and moral standards. She’s disposable.

