Because of Her – Jack & Jill Read Online Jewel E. Ann

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 108165 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

“I’m not scared of anyone,” she whispers.

Tying a woman up was never Jackson’s MO. The need for that level of control has always been his sister’s weakness. And because of her, Jackson learned just how much the need for control can be a person’s biggest weakness.

Frankie’s entire body goes rigid when Jackson cups her jaw, gently forcing her head against the door until her unblinking eyes flare, and she swallows her next breath.

“You should be a little scared of everyone because humans are unpredictable.”

Frankie grips his arm with both hands, digging her nails into his flesh. “Are you a little scared of me?”

Jackson lowers his face to hers, and she wets her lips. “I’m more than a little scared of you.” His revelation brings something to life in her eyes, but she has no clue that his confession isn’t a relinquishment of power or an acquiescence of her strength.

“Now get the fuck out of here.” He releases her.



Molly Sanford’s busy schedule would break the most dedicated Marine. I don’t know how she does it.


Blowing Colin in his pickup before baseball practice.

And now … a mani-pedi.

“Can I help you?” The young blonde at the counter smiles when I enter the nail salon.

“Do you have any openings for either a manicure or a pedicure?”

She nods. “Sure. We can do both right now.”

“Perfect.” I smile, feeling nearly as lucky and hardworking as Molly today.

After I pick my polish, the tech leads me toward the pedicure station. I point to the empty chair next to Molly. “Is that open? I know her.”

“Of course.”

Molly glances up from her phone screen, and her summer tan fades into a shade of fresh winter snow.

“Hey, Molly.” I climb into the empty chair and set my key fob and phone on the tray between us.

“Hey,” she mumbles.

“I’m glad I ran into you again. I came across something in Steven’s room.”

She stiffens.

I let it simmer for a few extra seconds before sighing. “He had a notebook. A journal. And he wrote so much about you in it.”

Molly’s nail technician glances at her because Molly’s foot and the rest of her body shakes.

“He adored you.”

Her head pivots to me.

I rest my hand on her arm. “He was so in love. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to thank you for being there when he needed you the most. Your love and loyalty bled through his words.” I frown, averting my gaze for a beat before shaking my head. “I just don’t understand why it wasn’t enough.”

She’s speechless.

“What do you miss most about him? What did you love the most? Did you two discuss plans for after graduation?”

“Um …” She clears her throat. “I don’t know. I mean … I loved everything about him. He always complimented me. He bought me things. He took me to dinner. He washed my car. He was just a really nice guy.”

Me. Me. Me.

I can’t handle her level of cuntiness. A real word? No. But it needs to be a word as long as Molly shares space and oxygen in this life.

“How did you react when you heard about his death?”

She glues her gaze to her sparkly purple toenails. “I was … devastated.”


Her forehead wrinkles. “Of course.”

“Me too. It was so unlike him. He loved his mom. He was her rock. Steven was everything his mom needed after his dad, my brother, died. Mature beyond his years. I think losing a parent forces you to grow up quickly. It’s not fair, but it’s life. You know?”

I lift one foot out of the water when the nail technician reaches for my leg. “You can’t even imagine how his death will affect you for the rest of your life. Everyone’s vulnerable and impressionable. That’s just human nature. But at your age, your conscience is so malleable. Things you think are no big deal only magnify over time.” Blowing a long breath, I pause to give Molly more time to stew.

“You’re going to think of Steven’s death forever. Not because you want to. No. You’ll do it because time will make you question everything. You’ll wonder if there was more you could have done to stop him. And that will feel like an inescapable prison of regret. And no matter how many therapists you see, how many times friends and family try to convince you that there was nothing you could have done, you will carry that burden. And I wish there was something I could say or do to prevent that from happening. But there’s not. The only thing I can say to comfort you is that Steven loved you. I think he would have done anything for you.

“Sure, you were both young, but sometimes you just know. And I think he knew you were it for him. I think he was going to align his future with yours. I think you were his first true love. And maybe knowing you were his only true love will comfort you a little.” I glance sideways and wait for her to look at me before I smile. “You should feel incredibly honored to have been that girl in Steven’s life.”

