Because of Her – Jack & Jill Read Online Jewel E. Ann

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 108165 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

Frankie stands, composing herself. “Can I get anyone something to drink or eat? Had I known you were coming—”

“You would have kicked me out,” Jackson says.

She rolls her eyes. “I mean, probably.”

Livy stands with Ryn. “I’m going to take wiggle pants to the potty. Frankie, would you like to hold Ryn for me?”

Frankie’s not stupid. She’s privy to the game. Still, it takes a little hesitation before she steps forward and holds out her arms. The swap can’t occur without Livy touching Frankie, but Frankie’s too mesmerized by Ryn to show any sort of aversion to her touch.

Livy and Slade head upstairs to the guest bedroom with Wylder. And Jackson sits in the chair opposite Frankie on the sofa.

“This was quite the gamble,” she says, cradling Ryn. “When they arrived, I wanted to die.”

“I realized what you needed, but it wasn’t me. If you couldn’t handle Wylder and Ryn, I was going to change my mind.”

Frankie glances up. “Change your mind?”

“I was going to say you were, in fact, broken.”

She frowns. “Jack, this is a step, but I’m not cured.”

“It’s a step forward. You made it twenty-six miles. I said I'll carry you to the finish line.” His lips twist. “I’d say you’re at twenty-six-point-one-three-nine miles.”

The kids break the tension and offer something to focus on that’s not as heavy as Archer Sanford or Frankie’s incident in the parking lot. She keeps her distance from Jackson and Slade, which shows that men are her trigger.

Jackson and Livy make dinner. Frankie remains quiet while they talk about Livy’s job and give Slade a hard time about his new stay-at-home dad role. She occasionally glances up from her plate and smiles.

Just before the dishes are removed from the table, she clears her throat and asks, “Where are you staying?”

Livy and Slade share a look before aiming that same look at Jackson.

He finishes wiping Wylder’s mouth. “They’re staying here. You have two guest bedrooms.”

“Only one of them has a bed. And I don’t have a crib.”

“Ryn sleeps with us. And if you have an extra blanket and pillow, Wylder will happily sleep on the floor,” Livy says.

Concern spreads across Frankie’s face. “My floors are wood with a few thin rugs.” She bites the inside of her cheek. “Maybe he can sleep with me.” Frankie looks nervous as her gaze sweeps around the table, gauging everyone’s reaction.

“He can be restless and wake up scared. I don’t want to put that on you,” Livy says, reassuring Frankie.

“I don’t know what everyone’s talking about. Wylder’s sleeping with me.” Jackson winks at Wylder.

“You’re on the—” Frankie stops herself.

Jackson knows she’s feeling guilty for him sleeping on the sofa, but nobody else feels guilty. Everyone understands what she’s going through.

“He’s a little guy with a big personality. There’s room for both of us.” Jackson collects the dirty dishes.

“Let me get all of this,” Frankie says, standing. “You spend time with your family.”

“We’re taking an after-dinner walk,” Livy announces. “Dad, you coming?”

“No. I’m going to help—”

“Go.” Frankie plasters on a fake smile.

Jackson’s brow furrows.

“Go,” she repeats. “I’ll be fine.”

“I can stay and help clean up,” Slade suggests.

“Maybe Frankie needs a little break from all of us. I’m sure this has been a lot. And while nobody wants to stick her with the dishes, perhaps a monotonous task and a little break from socializing is exactly what she needs.” Livy amazes Jackson. She’s so mature and astute, just like her mother.

Frankie gives Livy a silent look that screams ‘thank you’. But Jackson hasn’t left Frankie alone since he arrived. And he’s not sure she’s ready.

Livy tugs on Jackson’s hand. “Thirty minutes. She’ll be fine,” she murmurs.

“Go,” Frankie says one last time.

Jackson returns a hesitant nod before following his family to the door. He hopes today wasn’t too much. Thirty minutes is plenty of time for Frankie to regress. The slightest noise could send her running to her closet with a butcher knife in her hand.



It’s the small victories.

I manage to clean the kitchen without getting spooked. I still can’t turn on the television or play music because those sounds might drown out the sound of someone breaking in or sneaking up on me. And I hate that.

Never in my life have I been worried about something like that in my own home.

The crew returns, and Jackson has a visible look of relief on his face when he sees me putting away the last few dishes. I smile, and it makes him smile. The good kind. The kind of smile he gives Wylder and Ryn.

“We’re going to get ready for bed. It’s been a long travel day,” Livy says, nodding for Slade to head up the stairs with Ryn. “Slade will get Wylder ready for bed and bring him down when he’s in his jammies and a clean diaper.”

“Sounds good,” Jackson says, his voice behind me as I drain the sink.

