Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

Fuck. What’s going on?

He placed the handcuffs in his pocket and gazed at the door. “Come in!”

My head spun with confused and frustrated emotions. “But, who’s that on the other side of the door?”

“Uncle Song.”

Chapter twenty-two

Lotus Blossom


The echoes of Monique’s kiss lingered on my lips, along with residual lust.

She had returned my kiss with such passion.

It was exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

Needing to regain some form of control, I forced myself to step to the side.

God damn it.

I shook my head, as if that could get me out of the haze that threatened to cloud my judgement.

Uncle Song would be in here soon along with whoever else. I had to be the Mountain Master now, not a man drunk on a stolen kiss.

What the fuck was I thinking? Of course she would taste so good. I didn’t need to confirm it.

I cleared my throat and took a deep breath, but the sweet scent of Monique’s perfume filled my nostrils, pulling me back into that moment.

My cock jerked in my pants.

And there she was, right there, next to me.

So fucking close.

I glanced at Monique her cheeks were still flushed.

All I had to do was reach out to her, and she would be right back in my hold.

My heart pounded in my chest like a runaway drum, its rhythm syncopated to the memory of my lips against Monique’s.

But I couldn’t afford to lose myself in her right now, not with what awaited me.

Instead, I focused on regaining my composure, steadying my voice, smoothing the creases on my face into an expression of indifferent command.

Come on.

The door opened.

I blew out a breath.

As Uncle Song walked in with Chen and Duck, I straightened up, adopting the stoic demeanor that was expected of me.

Nosy as fuck, their eyes scanned the room, probably reading the unspoken story of what had transpired here.

Or maybe I was being paranoid?

Uncle Song looked from Monique to me and smiled. Amusement flickered in his eyes.

Chen’s gaze held an undercurrent of curiosity.

Meanwhile Duck’s face showed a hint of surprise.

Regardless, I met all of their gazes with unwavering confidence and crossed my arms over my chest.

Uncle Song walked over, carrying a heavy and long wooden box in his hands. A thick envelope rested on top of it. As always, he was a titan in his dark blue robes, standing 7ft tall. The fabric draped over his massive frame.

In silence, he stood before me.

A mix of emotions poured through my body. I loved this man—he was my mentor, my guide, my family. He taught me the meaning of honor, the importance of tradition, the weight of our lineage.

In the mirror of his eyes, I saw the reflection of the man that I had always aspired to be—strong, wise, and unyielding.

Yet, as much as I admired and respected Uncle Song, there was a seed of resentment that took root in the depths of my heart.

Uncle Song knew damn well that my father—his brother—had gone psychotic and needed to be put down. Still, he chose to remain one of the many blocks in my relentless pursuit of my father.

I hoped that my uncle would stay out of it because in the end, I did not want to harm him too.

A profound sorrow gnawed at the edges of my consciousness.

Chen got to my left, dove into his pocket, handed me a silk handkerchief, and kept his voice low. “You have lipstick on your mouth.”


I snatched the cloth from him and quickly wiped it off. There I was, trying to appear like the all-mighty Mountain Master, while having Monique’s lipstick on. Once I figured it was all off, I gave the handkerchief back to Chen. “Thank you.”

Tucking the cloth in his back pocket, Chen got between his father and me as if planning to be our referee in a boxing match.

To my surprise, Duck went over to Monique and stayed by her side.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

Really? Do you not know that you are already in trouble with me?

Duck didn’t meet my gaze.

Chen cleared his throat, getting my attention. “Father, you asked to speak to Lei and as his Deputy Mountain Master I must insist on your immediately explaining what is going on and what is the reason for your visit.”

Uncle Song turned to Chen. “You honor me, son.”

Chen’s face tinted red.

“I always knew you would be perfect as you stepped into my shoes.”

“T-thank you, Father.”

Uncle Song put his view back on me. “Lei, you didn’t tell your Deputy Mountain Master about the final battle to be held in eight days?”

“There was no need to tell him because it is not going to happen.”

Uncle Song gave me a disapproving look. “The ceremony is the only way this will end.”

“I can think of other ways—”

“You will never find Leo. Half of your people with you now are protecting him.”

