Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

“Excuse me, sir. But my. . .problems deal with very dangerous people and they’re time-sensitive.”

“Tell me why.”

“I have until tonight to get these two guys money that my father stole from them and if I don’t—”

“How much?”

I studied the old man. His expression didn’t hold worry or concern. He looked tickled by the whole situation.

My phone buzzed.

“Excuse me.” I checked the screen and read the text.

Jo: Maggie picked us up. She’s driving us to Aunt Betty.

I sighed and typed back.

Me: Great. Text me as soon as you get there.

At least they’ll be safe. Dutch can’t get them if they’re with Banks.

The old man grabbed my attention. “How much does your father owe?”

I placed my phone in my pocket. “It’s $75,000.”

“Does it have to be in cash?”

“These aren’t the type of people that take checks.”

The old man gestured to the monk on my right. “Get the money for her, and hurry.”

“Yes, sir.” He rushed off.

Say what now?

I parted my lips.

“Anything else or will you still be in danger, after I give you the money?”

I blinked. “That’s it.”

“Then, let’s have breakfast. Jericho will return with the money by the time we’re done.”

I gazed at that restaurant, still unsure if I could trust him. “You’re going to just give me $75,000 without knowing me?”

“And I’m going to pay for breakfast too.”

I gave him a skeptical look. “What do you want for the money and breakfast?”

“Three promises. Consider them blood oaths. I’ll need you to honor all three.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“We’ll discuss it over breakfast.” The old man walked off.

I followed. “I would like to know what you want before—”

“Come.” He crossed the street. “Surely, this option is better than pacing in front of a park and yelling into a phone.”

Cars slowed down.

I hurried after him and got to his side. “Yeah, but I still don’t know you.”

“Then, let’s get to know each other.” He smiled at me. “What’s your name?”


“Nice to meet you.” He shook my hand. “I’m Leo.”

Chapter five

Duck and Dumplings


When we got to the sidewalk, I thought we would head into one of the two restaurants. Instead, we passed them.

Then, Leo turned the corner into an alleyway. The buildings were high and blocked out the sun, making the path a dark, shadowed space.

Oh, hell no.

I stopped at the entrance.

Leo continued.

Mountain Man stopped behind me. “Go ahead.”

I inched away. “I don’t see a restaurant down there.”

“There is one.” He crossed his arms over his huge chest. “We are men of God. You can trust us.”

I don’t know about that.

I stayed right where I was.

He extended his hand. “My name is Song.”

I gave my hand and shook his. “My name is Mo—”

Song grabbed my hand hard and dragged me off with him.

A crow cawed above us.

Panic hit me. My heart boomed in my ears.

“Hey!” I struggled against him, hitting his arm and trying to yank mine away. “What are you doing?!”

“You’re just a little thing.” Song rushed me along. “Stop it.”

“Excuse me?” I tried to pull my hand away as I kept his pace. “I don’t want to go down here with you all—”

“We don’t have time for your fear.” Song tightened his grip.

“So, you kidnap me?”

A disgusted expression covered his face. “We’re not kidnapping you.”

“Then, let me go.”

“Not until after breakfast. We must keep Leo off the street.”


“Some mean him harm.”


“You’ll be better to not be a part of Leo’s problems. When your money comes and he says goodbye, get as far away from him as possible.” Song let go of my hand and shoved me along.

Don’t worry. I will be running from you all soon.

Song stomped forward, but every few steps he checked over his shoulder.

Who’s coming for him?

My heart kept the erratic beat.

Still in survival mode, I took in everything around me, remembering each detail just in case I needed it later. The only thing that didn’t have me pissing my pants was the fact that they kept talking about giving me the money.

Am I stupid to think they will? Fuck. I’m so desperate I would follow a man into the alley for the promise of cash for sure.

I glanced over my shoulder. Near the opening, more blue monks came out of nowhere and blocked the entrance.

Please, God. Don’t let these crazy monks kill me. I need help.

We went down the dark, narrow alleyway. At the end, Leo and his other men waited at an unmarked wooden door in the center of a gray, windowless building. The door didn’t have a knob.

This isn’t going to end well.

Leo tapped his knuckles on the wood.

The door opened in seconds.

A man with glasses peeked his head out the door, gazed at Leo and widened his eyes in shock. Next, Leo and the man spoke in Chinese.

Both of them chuckled and smiled.

Meanwhile, Song continued to check the alley opening further away as if expecting an army to march through and capture everyone. He was too big of a man to be nervous. That very fact put me on edge too.

