Beautiful Torment Read Online Paige Laurens (Beautiful #1)

Categories Genre: Chick Lit, Drama, Erotic, New Adult Tags Authors: Series: Beautiful Series by Paige Laurens

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 71967 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 360(@200wpm)___ 288(@250wpm)___ 240(@300wpm)

Embarrassed, I place head in my hands as I start to fill out the blank index card in front of me:

Name: Lucinda Cunningham (Luci)

Birthday: December 18

Parent names: Sue and Jay

Phone number: 555-5555

Life’s ambition: To be happy

Next, we're told about the daily quizzes we’re going to have. I don’t groan when the rest of the class does in response to this, or when we’re given a sheet of the periodic table and are told to memorize it by next week for the first one.

He doesn’t look my way again, and when he gives out the periodic table sheets, he makes a point to place them on my desk, rather than hand them directly to me.

I couldn't be more thankful when the bell rings, and I dart up before the high-pitch sound even stops, the first to leave.

“What's wrong with you?” Chloe catches up with me as we head upstairs for our last classes of the day, she has Spanish and I have public speaking.

“What? Nothing,” I sigh, out of breath.

“Okay, weirdo,” she bumps my shoulder.

“He's pretty young to be a teacher, don't you think?” I stop walking, anxious to see her reaction.

“Who? Mr. Harrington?” I nod, but she's too busy waving to others in the hall. “I guess,” she finally answers, “But who cares about a teacher, even if he is hot! Did you see Kyle? You are so lucky to be sitting in front of him! He got way hot over the summer. And you, my friend, get to pass papers back to him! Maybe you can talk to him for me…” She goes on and on, but I’m still shaking my head from her question. No, Chloe, I didn’t see Kyle. Unfortunately for me, I was too busy noticing our teacher.

I couldn’t tell you the first thing that happened in public speaking. Hannah tried talking to me and I nodded my head politely, having no idea what she was actually saying. Some guy sitting in front of me introduced himself, but my mind was totally elsewhere.

When the bell rings it catches me by surprise, and I run to my car, hoping to beat the buses and traffic.

I bang my head against the steering wheel as soon as the car roars to life, trying to get the stupid out. How the hell could I have such a reaction to a teacher? And where the hell is Gracie? When I was a freshman, I had to take the bus just like everyone else. She’s lucky I take her to and from school.

I continue to wait impatiently, checking my rearview mirror as the traffic builds up behind me, until I finally hear the click of the door handle.

“You need to be quicker!” I snap before hitting the gas.

I make it home in record time, already unlocking the front door before Gracie even gets out of the car. I head straight to my room, taking two stairs at a time. I scour my bookshelf for the large hardcover binding of last year’s yearbook. It takes me two hands to grab it, and I rapidly flip through the staff pages until I get to H.

I spot his sister first, whose first year teaching was last year, but my eyes immediately narrow in on the next picture: Joshua Harrington.

He started teaching two years ago, and also coaches the boy’s track team. Even though it’s only a black and white picture, it’s obvious his eyes twinkle. His smile alone makes my mouth water.

Mom suddenly barges into my room and I snap the book shut, like I’m doing something wrong.

“How was your first day?” She crosses her arms and I can tell she’s definitely mad about something. I didn’t even know she was home!

“I thought you were working?” Sure, it’s not the greatest response, but my heart is beating so rapidly I can’t think of anything better.

“I left early so I could be here when you girls got home from your first day,” she sighs. “Do you know that Gracie is very upset?”

“No,” I mumble.

“She’s crying. She says she ran into you in the halls twice today and you ignored her both times. None of her friends are in any of her classes and she hates school.”

“I didn’t see her,” I defend, and I honestly didn’t. “I hated my first day freshman year too. There are so many new kids. She just has to get used to it.”

“You know she doesn’t do well with change, Luci!” Her stern look bores into me. “Maybe you should pay attention when she’s in the hall and walk with her.”

I want to tell her that there are a million kids in the halls, and I can’t just spend my time searching for Gracie. It’s nearly impossible. But instead, I nod in agreement as Mom continues. “You two used to be so close,” her eyes start to water. “What-”

