Beautiful Torment Read Online Paige Laurens (Beautiful #1)

Categories Genre: Chick Lit, Drama, Erotic, New Adult Tags Authors: Series: Beautiful Series by Paige Laurens

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 71967 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 360(@200wpm)___ 288(@250wpm)___ 240(@300wpm)

We part ways when we reach the parking lot, but our eyes meet once more in the distance, me at my car, him at his. We both smile as our secret passes between us.


I’m too self-conscious after what happened yesterday to arrive early the next morning. Instead I head straight to math, trying to pay attention, while watching the seconds on the clock tick by at an excruciating slow pace. I wonder if he’s here today, or regrets it so much that he doesn’t bother to show.

By the end of first period, curiosity gets the best of me, and I take my typical long route to the gym. He says he doesn’t want things to be weird between us, and I don’t either, but how can he just push aside what’s going on?

I see him at his desk, looking into the hall frantically. My heart explodes with excitement, realizing he’s waiting to see if I’ll walk by, his face illuminating once I do. He stands and walks out the door.

“Good morning,” he smiles once he reaches me.

“Hey,” I blush. His eyes travel up and down my body with a desire that I recognize easily. I know he’s remembering, his gaze stopping on my lips. I hesitate, about to say something, but Madison walks out of the classroom and interrupts us. She disregards me immediately as she asks him a question, touching his elbow like she’s staking some claim.

He pulls away, letting her know he can’t stay after school today. This bums me out, as I was hoping for a repeat of yesterday, even if he did make it perfectly clear this was a one-time thing. She continues to ask him questions about yesterday’s lesson, so I excuse myself.

“Luci!” He shouts down the emptying hall as the bell rings. I turn around, eager to get another look at him in his crew neck sweater, a gray collared shit sticking out from underneath.

“Lunch?” He mouths.

“But it’s not a lab day!” I call, the hall now deserted.

He laughs and shakes his head. “Has that ever stopped you before?”

He winks before retreating to his classroom and shutting the door, leaving me breathless and optimistic.

He’s standing by the main office, talking to his sister as I head to my locker. I don’t interrupt them as I pass and we exchange a knowing look.

“Oh, Luci!” His sister stops me, but I don’t glance his way. Not with him standing so close. I can’t without remembering the feel of him against me. “I was just telling Mr. Harrington how you’re my shining student,” she laughs. Then, to my horror, she turns to him. “I swear, this girl is your real twin, not me. You have to hear her thoughts on Tolkien. You’re so alike!”

He laughs, probably because we’ve already discussed it so many times. “Okay,” he smiles before turning to me. “Should we go do that now?”

I bite my lip, trying to contain my smile. “Sounds good,” I reply. She gives us a weird look, but that doesn’t stop us from walking away together.

I take my usual seat while he pulls up a chair, my eyes glued to him, remembering, yearning.

“I brought in those movies for you to borrow,” I take the two DVDs out of my bag.

He laughs, getting up and going into his desk draw. He takes out a small stack of DVDs for me.

“I was going to give them to you this morning, but you never stopped by.”

Our hands meet as we make our exchange, the jolt a constant reminder of the one thing on my mind. My mouth goes dry and I have to keep talking.

“So what’s going on with your creation, Frankenstein?” I joke, nodding to the science trade magazine on his desk. He’s been saving for this little automatic metal rotator thing, a part for his future, to-be-built, mini robot for that science fair thing next year. He wants it to be able to pick up pencils and bring them on command, or at least that’s what he’s starting with. Don’t ask me why, but he thinks it’s going to be the coolest thing ever. I know he’s always eager to talk about it, as his face lights up whenever I ask.

He hesitates, most likely remembering our joking banter from the last time he told me about it.

“I’ll tell you, but you can’t make fun… Or I’m keeping your movies.”

“God you’re scary when you threaten me,” I pretend to shake out of fear.

He looks at me before pausing.

“I can’t stop thinking about you,” he confesses.

“I know,” I twist my fingers together. “I honestly went home yesterday thinking it was all a dream.”

“Yeah,” he sighs in agreement.

I waver, taking a deep breath. “I think we should make sure it was real,” I offer.

He laughs and the sound ignites me.

“What?” I beam at him.

