Beautiful Criminal Read online M.N. Forgy (Omerta Law #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Omerta Law Series by M.N. Forgy

Total pages in book: 63
Estimated words: 58691 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 293(@200wpm)___ 235(@250wpm)___ 196(@300wpm)

Pulling a butcher knife from the sink, thanks to Eddie for washing all the dishes.

“Take him to the boat,” I direct Romeo. He glances up at me, and a sly smile crosses his face. Romeo may not be a man of violence and gore, but if someone deserves to be punished, he’s there by my side eager to help, and this mother fucker deserves what’s coming.

Romeo has the guy by both feet dragging him across the grass and onto the boat, the one Leona and I had sex on hours ago. I stop and stare at the cabin. I don’t want to leave her alone, what if another one shows up.

“You want me to stay with her?”

Rubbing the back of my neck, I hate to make my responsibility his.

He pats my shoulder.

“I got it, you get this guy to talk and just get back here quickly,” he offers, and I nod.

He steps off the boat and I drop the guy’s head to the floor of the boat.

“Romeo!” I shout, and he looks over his shoulder. “Thank you.”

He smiles and turns back around, heading toward the cabin.

Starting the boat, I push off away from the dock and head out to sea where nobody can hear his screams.

Twenty minutes later, and him starting to come to, I stop the boat and turn it off. I tug off his shoes and toss them into the water, then his socks. They all sink.

“Wait, what are you doing?” he mumbles around broken teeth.

Grasping the knife I slice his left foot making dashes across the heel and crook. He screams, trying to kick me away, but I turn and sit on his legs, cutting up the other foot.

“I don’t know anything! I Swear!” he screams, his voice echoing into the night and sea.

Turning his body, I dip his feet into the saltwater and he begins thrashing and screaming.

“Who sent you?” I ask, and he tries to head but me, grabbing at the walls of the boat to pull his feet up. I hold the knife to his face, threatening to slice it up, and he stills.

“I’m going to ask you one more time, and if you don’t tell me what I want to hear… it’s your face next.” I sneer. He looks at me with wild eyes, one already turning black.

“I’m telling you the truth, some guy just paid us—”

I slice his cheek and toss him into the sea. He screams, rubbing at his face to get the water off but really just putting more water in the cut. Bending down, I grasp him by the hair and pull him up just enough to slowly run the black across his chin.

“Emilio! Emilio!” he cries and my stomach knots.

“DeAngelo?” I seethe in question.

He nods.

“Yes, he hired us to kill you and the girl. I’m sorry, man, please don’t kill me. I got a family!” he begs. Baring my teeth, I toss the man back into the ocean and walk toward the front of the boat. A breach of trust that was set in blood decades ago has been broken. Rushing hot blood races through me causing pressure to fill my head. I trusted my father, loved him even, and this is where it got me. He tried to fucking kill me.

“Hey, I need the ladder,” the guy screams, water splashing into his mouth as he tries to climb aboard. Starting the boat the propellers being to spin and I throw it in reverse. The blades slice into his limbs causing brief but blood-curdling screams to ring my ears before he’s sucked down under the boat. Thudding and vibrations are felt throughout the bottom, the sea turning crimson instead of the hues of blue I remember from earlier, I stop the motor and put it in forward, the body of the guy untangles and sinks to the bottom of the sea as I make my way back to the cabin. The need for revenge is so powerful that it blackens my vision. My dad made me the dark monster I am today, and he’s going to get to witness that immoral wrath first hand.


Coming to, I feel woozy and scared. I have no idea what’s happening or what’s going on. I know I was shot when I was sleeping and that’s it. Turning my head, I find a guy sitting on the end of my bed looking through his phone. He’s wearing an expensive suit, has on a big watch, and a matching chiseled jaw like Kieran.

“Who are you?” I can’t help the crack in my voice. I’m scared, is he with the doctor or Kieran, or should I be trying to escape right now?

His head swivels my way.

“I’m Romeo, Kieran’s brother.” Recognition hits my chest just about as hard as that bullet went into my arm. Romeo, the brother that is a mute. At least that’s what I’ve been told about him.

