Beast (MC Fables #1) Read Online Penny Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: MC Fables Series by Penny Dee

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 105803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 529(@200wpm)___ 423(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

Moonlight streams in from the open windows and pools on the floor as I take Belle’s hand, and she steps up to the altar to stand beside me.

And when I finally slide my wedding band along her finger, this time it feels real.

It feels right.

“I now pronounce you man and wife,” Priest says, and I take my wife’s face in my hands, and I kiss her deeply.

“Are you going to leave me on my wedding night again?” she asks.

I smile down at her. “Baby, wild horses couldn’t drag me away from you tonight.” I brush my lips over the tip of her nose. “Ever again.”

She smiles, and when I look at down into it, I know it is my home.

“You’re my forever,” I say.

Standing on her tiptoes, she takes my face in her hands and presses a small kiss to my lips. “Good. Because you’re kind of stuck with us.”

The word us echoes through me.


She smiles. “That’s right, bike gangster, I’m going to have your baby.”

Emotion wells in my chest. “A baby?”

She smiles, and I fall even more in love with her. “More specifically, a daughter.”

An atomic bomb detonates in my chest. I had long ago abandoned the idea of being a father and now…

Now this wild beauty has changed all that.

I place my hands on her belly, only now noticing the slight curve beneath my palm.

A daughter.

My daughter.

Growing inside the woman I could never live without.

For the first time in my adult life, tears well in my eyes.

“Since when?”

“Seems our first night together was a little more magical than we thought.”

I got her pregnant that first night.

All this time, she’s been carrying my baby inside her.

A rush of protectiveness sweeps over me, and I pull her into my arms and kiss her long and deep.

Knowing I just got my fairytale ending.



Party lights glow in the sapphire twilight as Beast and I walk hand in hand through the throngs of people. It’s our second attempt at the Twilight Barbecue and the park is bustling with activity. There is a line up to get Mrs. V’s chili, and the array of food the old ladies and the club girls are having fun dishing up.

The delicious aroma of barbecue is heavy in the air, and the band plays to a happy crowd.

Tonight is a success. You can feel it in the warm breeze. People are happy. Beast is happy. I am happy.

I tighten my fingers through his. I feel so goddamn in love with this man.

We stop under a string of party lights, and he kisses me, cupping my face in his hands. He is gentle and loving, and it makes me wonder how on earth we managed to leave our bed this evening.

Since renewing our vows last night and Beast finding out about the baby, we’ve barely come up for air. I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy hormones or what, but I can’t get enough of him. And the feeling is very mutual.

“How long before we can leave?” he asks over my lips.

“Anyone would think you have somewhere better to be.”

“I do.” He brushes his lips over mine. “In bed, making my wife scream my name.”

“Don’t let Demri hear you say that.”

“She’ll understand. I’m on my honeymoon.”

He kisses me. But it doesn’t last. Because Annika taps him on the shoulder.

“Sorry to break this up, love birds. But there are some eager young fans waiting for selfies with the club president,” she says, gesturing toward a group of kids from the local hospital waiting for him by the popcorn stand.

“You’d better not keep them waiting,” I say.

He smiles. “You’re right. But after I’m done…” He leans down and brushes his lips to my ear. “I’m taking you home and doing bad things to you.”

I give him a wink. “Ditto, Mr. President.”

Annika pulls a face. Like she’d rather pull her teeth out than watch us being all loved up. “Thanks, perverts. I think my eyes and ears are bleeding.”

I laugh. “Sorry, honey. But what can I say. I’m on my honeymoon.”

She gives me a wink as she drags her cousin away.

Watching them walk over to the waiting kids, I draw in in a deep breath and feel giddy. That’s my man. The hot giant wearing the president’s patch.

Smiling, I cast an eye around the busy eating area for Uncle Maurice. He’s doing well, completely recovered from Gaston’s attack, and receiving the help he needs with his gambling addiction. Warmth spreads through me when I spy him walking with Mrs. Blumfield toward the chili tent. They’re holding hands.

Hearing someone call my name, I look around and see Dani and Aurora walking toward us.

“Beeeeeeeelle!” Aurora cries, her little arms wide open as she flies toward me.

I quickly scoop her up in my arms. “Princess Aurora.”

I glance at Dani to make sure she isn’t shooting bullets from her eyes at me, or about to start yelling at me. Or call me a slut.

