Beard Up Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Dixie Wardens Rejects MC #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Dixie Wardens Rejects MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 74898 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 374(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)

He had a fist planted in the bed next to my shoulder, and his muscles bulged as he leaned over me and masturbated against me.

“Tunnel Morrison, if you don’t fucking take me, I’m going to take you!” I growled.

His lips quirked up into a grin.

“Oh, yeah?” he asked arrogantly. “What makes you think you could do anything to me that I didn’t want you to do?”

My lips quirked up into a confident smile.

“I could cry,” I said.

His eyes narrowed. “You wouldn’t.”

He continued to pump his cock, and it was now a ruddy red that looked angry that it wasn’t getting what it wanted. A bead of pre-come slid out of the slit at the tip, rolling down the rounded head of his cock to where his hand was fisted around himself.

My mouth watered to lick that drop off, but I stayed where I was.

“Watch me,” I growled.

Then tears started to well in my eyes.

Because I wasn’t joking. If he didn’t get inside of me soon, I very well might break down in a crying fit to end all crying fits. I’d already cried not once, not twice, but three times this morning, and it was only nine in the morning. I’d been up for a total of three hours.

I’d cried when I watched Sienna walk into her Explorer camp. Again, when I read a cute meme on Facebook, and finally when I told Tunnel about the baby.

So yes, crying was not out of the realm of possibility.

And he knew it because he read it easily in my eyes.

Did the fucker put his dick inside of me? Fuck no. He pulled me up by my arm and brought my head to his cock, and then proceeded to feed his length into my willing mouth.

Not what I wanted, no, but definitely something I didn’t mind doing.

I loved Tunnel’s cock. I always had and always would. I was loyal to it, which was why I’d never, not ever, trade it for anything. If I couldn’t have this beautiful piece of him, then I didn’t want another.

Which was why I showed it the attention it deserved, just like every time he allowed me to do this.

Normally, we were both too worked up for anything but fast and hard or slow and easy. Though he’d imbibed on me multiple times since he’d come back into my life, by the time he was done giving me pleasure, he was too far gone to allow me the same courtesy.

So when he did allow me to have at him, I grasped the bull by the horns, or the man by the balls, so to speak.

The moment he came into contact with my tongue, I felt his cock jump.

When my small hands met the skin of his balls, I heard him groan.

“Jesus Christ Almighty,” he growled, his hand going to my hair.

“Fuck, I wish your hair was longer like it used to be.” He fisted what he could, pulling me, urging me further onto him.

I tried to take all of him, and I was able to do that at one point in time, but I’d gotten rusty.

Tunnel was a big man, and I had a small mouth. The act of taking him into my throat would take a lot of patience and practice.

The former, Tunnel didn’t have a lot of, and the latter, I didn’t have the opportunity to give him.

At least not yet, anyway.

Because the moment my tongue swirled around the head of his cock, then worked its way down the length of him, he roughly pulled me off of him and pushed me flat on my back.

I jolted, my sensitive breasts bouncing, and gasped when I was filled up with him moments later.

He didn’t stop until the curly hairs surrounding his cock brushed my bare lips.

“Oh, God,” I breathed out, shifting my hips in hopes that I could take even more of him. Which I impossibly did.

“You’re like a dream that continues to come true,” he growled against my lips.

I arched up into him, dragging my breasts against his chest, playing my nipples along the coarse hair that decorated that muscled part of his body. Granted the hair was sporadic due to the scarring, but it was there.

“You make my control non-existent,” he rasped, carefully thrusting inside of me now, dragging the fat tip of his cock against that special place inside of me that almost always sent me over the edge.

But it was the way his eyes stayed on mine that caused me to detonate. The way he watched me. The way he practically willed me to feel each and every stroke of his cock. The way it dragged deliciously along the snug walls of my sex. The way, with both of us so wet, that we slid together easily.

Then he lifted my legs and brought them up around my ears, changing the angle, and I realized that he wasn’t playing fair anymore.

