Beard Up Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Dixie Wardens Rejects MC #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Dixie Wardens Rejects MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 74898 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 374(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)

It was definitely a weird experience, but one I fucking loved, and surprisingly had missed.

My hands went to her hips as I tilted them forward, only for her to catch the hint and ride my face.

“The beard,” she moaned breathily. “God, I don’t know whether to laugh or scream.”

“Laughing may not be appropriate,” I growled against her pussy lips. “But screaming is A-Okay.”

Her head tipped down, and she watched as I took one long swipe of her crease, paying extra special attention to the engorged bundle of nerves that was calling for me.

I brought one hand up from behind, and she leaned forward, knowing what I was going for.

The moment my thumb met her weeping entrance, I pushed it inside of her, surprised like I was the first time I’d taken her at how tight that she was.

The second I breached her entrance, she clamped down on my thumb so hard that, if she hadn’t been so freakin’ wet, I would’ve thought she didn’t want me to be inside of her.

But then she started to come, and there was no denying anything that she felt for me.

Her hips jerked on my face, and I continued to lick her clit while I pumped my thumb in and out of her. At least I did until she fell forward and tried to smother me with her vagina.

She breathlessly rolled to the side, and flopped her hands out above her head as she panted for breath.

Her nipples were pebbled into tiny little brown buds, and I couldn’t help myself. I had to taste those, too.

And by the time I’d settled my cock at her entrance, and started to push inside, she looked like I’d wrung her out to dry.

But the moment I got half of my dick into her, she started to writhe.

“Please,” she mewled.

I growled and thrust forward, dropping my mouth to hers to catch the scream that left her lips.

My eyes felt weird, and the pressure inside my head, as well as my cock, was enough to detonate anybody.

But I wouldn’t go. Not until I made her come one last time.

Then I’d follow. Then I’d give myself that release that I’d been needing.

I made slow sweet love to her, pushing inside just as slowly as I pulled out. Over and over again, in and out, until all that I knew was the glide of my cock into her tight heat.

“You make me feel so full,” she breathed.

I agreed, but it was my heart that was full.

Having her in my arms, taking my cock, it settled something inside of me that hadn’t been settled in a very long, long time.

Even when I felt her quickening around me, I didn’t speed up. I continued to ravish her with my hands, mouth and cock, until she exploded in such a sweet, intense orgasm, that she took me right along with her.

Her arms went around my neck, pulling me to her and holding me there while my own orgasm rocked my big body.

I poured everything I had in me into her willing pussy and had a gush of satisfaction pour through me at knowing that she was the first person, and the only person, to ever get this from me.

“There’s six years’ worth of pent up need inside of you right now,” I told her. “I should’ve used a condom, because there’s no way in hell that you’re going to escape this unscathed.”

She knew what I meant. I could tell by the way her eyes lit with excitement.

Mina had never been on birth control. Not once in her entire twenty-six years. Not because she was religious, and didn’t take it, but because we’d always been willing to have babies, and when we weren’t, I used condoms. But I hadn’t carried a condom with me in a very long time, because I hadn’t had need for one.

And now, looking down at her with pleasure written all over her face, I knew it wouldn’t be a good time.

Her getting pregnant would be very bad, not because we didn’t want a child, but because that would just be one more thing that my parents could use to hold over me to get me to do their bidding if they ever found out that I was still alive.

Something which was likely already a done deal since Josh knew, by now, that we’d taken Mina and wouldn’t be returning her.

I rolled over and pulled her to my side, uncaring that we were getting our clothes filthy with dirt and other things, and instead decided to live in the now.

In an hour, I would deal with the fallout.

Right now, my life was curled into my arms, and I couldn’t find it in me to think of anything else.

Chapter 17

Life hadn’t given me lemons to make lemonade. It’s given me anger issues, a love for pizza and a need for retribution.

