Beard Up Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Dixie Wardens Rejects MC #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Dixie Wardens Rejects MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 74898 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 374(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)

Later, as Lynn was leaving, I halted him at the door.

“I’ll be back in a month or so…and then, I’d really love to talk to you some more. You seem kind of sad,” I told him, studying his face.

All the animation quickly slid off of his face.

“Sure thing, darlin’,” he grinned, pasting on his playful smile. “That sounds good.”

I watched him walk down the driveway, and then cross the street into his yard, before closing the door.

And only then did I go look at the messages.

There were four.

All of them from him.

Son of a bitch.

Who is that?

Why is he there?

Call me immediately.

I’m coming over.

I closed my eyes as my belly started to revolt.

Then I walked to the front door again, locked it up tight, and ignored the door when he did finally come over. I just prayed that he didn’t see me packing.



“She’s moving.”

“She’s what?” Ghost asked semi-irately.

“She’s moving. She’s packed her car up and she’s leaving. In the morning, as a matter of fact. Going down to Uncertain, Texas where she has a nursing contract with a hospital down there for the next month.”

“Why is she moving?” Ghost asked. “That doesn’t make sense.”

“No,” I agreed. “Not unless that little peckerhead is still bothering her. I saw her glance at her phone, and the disgust on her face was enough to make me wanna laugh when she read whomever texted her. It was that asshat Josh. I know it.”

“Guess he didn’t get the memo.” Ghost muttered.

I knew what that meant.

The man, Josh, was about to get the memo…and painfully.

Too bad by the time I got to her house, it was already completely empty. Oh, and let’s not forget that Ghost’s entire club watched a grown man nearly cry.

Chapter 7

I wish everything was as easy as getting fat was.

-True shit


A month had passed, and I had not received one single phone call or text message from Josh. My contract was fulfilled, and I was hoping that my life could get back to normal.

I’d even gotten my job back. With the same pay and hours.

Thank God.

What I didn’t get, though, was the feeling of peace.

Something else was wrong, because I knew that Josh wouldn’t just give up as he had.

Something had happened, and I wanted to know what.

But to learn that, I’d have to actually contact Josh, and that sure as hell wasn’t going to happen. No way, no how.

Sienna was glad to be back in her home with her own things, as well as the space to do whatever she pleased.

But, most of all, she was happy to have her motorcycle club family back in her life. Her surrogate fathers coming around and bringing her things just because they could.

Hell, she wasn’t the only one who missed it.

Chapter 8

Some people will only love you if you fit into their box. Don’t be afraid to shove that box up their ass.



It was three hours into Mina’s arrival back home when Josh tried to make his first move.

I had the house under surveillance, and after a call from one of Lynn’s men, I was there within thirty minutes. I arrived just in time to see Josh stepping out of his car, his eyes focused on the front door.

“Guess you didn’t get my message,” I murmured.

Josh stiffened, not having realized that I, nor anyone else, was close to him.

He was heading up the front walkway to Mina’s house—my house—and hadn’t once looked to see if he was alone.

I wanted to smile, but chose to allow him to think that I wasn’t as fucked up in the head as I was.

“How did I know that you’d be here the moment I arrived?” he chided.

I didn’t answer him.

“How did I know you’d be here the moment she got back home?” I shot back. “How did you know she was here at all? All she did was drive into town. You got some lookouts?”

Not on my street, he didn’t. It was possible that he had some in town, but that was unlikely, too. This was Dixie Warden territory. Nobody fucked up in their territory and lived to tell about it.

And despite Mina’s husband being dead, she still belonged to the MC and always would.

Doubly so, if you thought about me being a part of the Dixie Wardens in two different lives.

He finally turned, and I got a load of his eyes.

They were harder, a little less scared of me this time, and I didn’t like that. Didn’t like that he thought he didn’t need to fear me any longer.

“I had questions,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. “Why would a man be so adamant that some other man move out of the neighborhood so a woman didn’t get pursued by him, unless that man had some sort of attachment to said woman?”

I didn’t like where this line of questioning was headed.

