Baxter’s Right-Hand Man (The Baxter Chronicles #2) Read Online Lane Hayes

Categories Genre: M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Baxter Chronicles Series by Lane Hayes

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 83216 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 416(@200wpm)___ 333(@250wpm)___ 277(@300wpm)


What the fuck?

I squinted behind my Ray Bans at her perfect ponytail swaying in the breeze as she signed autographs at the pop-up stand my team had erected for the event. I pulled Janet aside, careful to keep a smile in place and cover my mouth for any potential lip-readers in the crowd.

“What’s Daphne doing here?”

Janet made a yikes face. “I have no idea. Maybe Seb sent her?”

“Fuck,” I growled. I didn’t look up till I was sure my mask was locked and loaded.

This is my job, I chanted in my head. This is my job.

I bit my tongue when Daphne sidled up to me for a photo. I didn’t trust myself to be civil, and there were far too many eyes on us. If she said anything to me, I didn’t hear her. I was too busy seething. This had to be Seb’s idea.

“No, I did not send Daphne to the beach,” Seb huffed. “I’m running a studio here, Pierce. Not a day camp.”

“Are you sure about that?” I retorted, gritting my teeth in the back seat of the SUV on my way from the event.

“Very sure. It’s not a big deal. You’re not worried about her stealing your thunder, are you?”

“Fuck off,” I grumbled.

“Hey, I’ve got Oliver in the car with me. Watch your fuckin’ language.”

“Hey, Ol.”

“Hi, Pierce.”

I stared, unseeing, out the window at the traffic on Wilshire. “I don’t like being blindsided. I agreed to the award shows. That’s it.”

“I know.” He sighed heavily on the line. “I’ll handle it.”


“You good? Ol and I are grabbing some ice cream for Charlie and the band. The Zero clan is gathered at Gray and Justin’s house for practice. Want to come by?”

“Come on. We’ll get you extra mint chip,” Oliver chimed in.

“Tempting, but I can’t.”

“If you change your mind, you know where we are,” Seb replied.


Hours later, my head was still spinning.

I made a beeline for my home gym in the hopes of working out some of my pent-up angst. I spent an hour on the treadmill, rock music blaring in my ears while I ran like the beasts of hell were coming for me, and sweat dripped from my forehead into my eyes faster than I could wipe my brow. I didn’t stop until my legs felt like spaghetti and my heart felt like it might jump out of my chest.

I showered, ate a peanut butter sandwich at the kitchen island, and willed my pulse to slow. It didn’t work. I knew I’d go nuts if I didn’t get out of my fucking cage. And I just really needed to see Lo.

What are you doing? I typed.

Inventory. We’re getting ready for spring.

You’re still at work?

I’ll be here for another hour or two. I’ll call you when I’m done, okay?

I sent a thumbs-up emoji and stared into space for a few minutes. Then I got dressed, hopped on my motorcycle, took the secret exit, and tore down the hill.



Knock. Knock.

Benson’s ears flattened, and his fur stood on end. The Lab looked at me for a millisecond before going apeshit bonkers, barking like mad as he slid across the tiled storage room to the back door.

My heart thumped and reverberated in my ears. That couldn’t be a delivery at—I checked my watch…8:04 p.m. Bran, Lizzy, and I were the only ones with keys, but—

Knock. Knock.

The dog howled on cue. Oh, my God.

I brushed off my khakis, grabbed a heavy, iron-based lamp, and moved to the door. “Who’s there?”


I unbolted the latch and flung the door open. “What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to—hey, buddy.” Pierce pulled his helmet off and crouched on one knee to let the Lab sniff his hand. “I’m a good guy. I promise. Who’s this?”

“Benson. He’s Bran and Jake’s dog. I asked to keep him since I was going to be alone here for a couple of hours,” I explained. “He’s a very unferocious sweetheart. His next trick will be to show you where the safe is so you can rob us blind.”

“And you were going to bludgeon me with a lamp.”

I returned the lamp to its shelf and nodded. “Exactly.”

Pierce chuckled as he straightened, then leaned in to kiss me. “Hi.”

“Hi,” I hummed against his lips. “So…what are you doing here?”

“I’ve never been in a home goods store.” He stepped aside and cast his gaze around the organized chaos of the storage room. “I wanted to see where you worked.”


“Yeah. Can I have a tour?”


I led him into the adjoining showroom and gave him a brief tour. I couldn’t decide if I thought it was stranger that he was here or that I could tell he was upset. Outwardly, he looked and acted like himself—energetic and goofy with a dash of charm. He checked out the price tags on the linens and the chandelier hanging over the staged dining area, turning to me with his mouth wide open.

