Baby Contract Read Online Ella Goode

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Insta-Love, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 29398 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 147(@200wpm)___ 118(@250wpm)___ 98(@300wpm)

“Identification.” I pull it out of my purse and hand it over. I’m not so sure I’d want to live in a condo or penthouse. Perhaps I've grown accustomed to living in a guesthouse. It gave me a sense of my own space. Living in a building might feel like we’re on top of each other.

I shake the thought from my head. I don’t even have the job.

“Mr. Remington has cleared you to come up.” I take my ID back from him.

“Mr. Remington?” I follow the man over to the elevator. “I thought I was meeting his wife,” I ask as if this man would know. He's just the building's front-desk security.

Of course he doesn’t answer me; instead, he waves his arm for me to step inside the elevator. I have to admit, it’s the fanciest elevator I’ve ever been in. There aren’t even buttons to press. The security guy proceeds to follow me in. He keys in a number before stepping back off the elevator.

"The door will open into Mr. Remington's home," he tells me as the doors start to close. “He’s not married.”

“But—” It’s too late. The doors are closed. I get an uneasy feeling when I step off the elevator.

“Miss Parker.” A man in a suit greets me. I swear I know him from somewhere. He reminds me of one of the slimy stock brokers you see in movies.

“Mr. Remington.” I give him a smile and take his outstretched hand. “It’s wonderful to meet you.”

“Now, Addison. You’ll hurt my feelings.” He doesn’t let my hand go. That sense of unease grows. I hate the way he said my first name. “This isn’t the first time we’ve met.”

Then it clicks. Robert Remington. I met him once when the Conrads threw a holiday party last year. He’d hit on me. I turned him down. He’d been aggressive and handsy.

“Right.” I have to force myself to keep a smile on my lips. What I really want to do is hightail it the heck out of this place, but I remain professional. “I didn’t know you had children.”

“Not yet, but soon.” I pull harder on my hand, and he finally lets it go.

“Your wife is pregnant?” I hedge, trying to keep the conversation on the reason I’m here. The doorman said he wasn’t married, but there could be a girlfriend around here.

“No wife, I’m still single.” He winks at me.

What the hell? “A girl I had a one-night stand with ended up pregnant. You know how it goes.”

No, I don't, but I keep that to myself.

“Is she here?” I’m not taking the job, but I need to play along. There is no way in hell I’d ever work for a guy like this. I may be desperate to get out of the hotel but not that desperate.

I don’t need him to report back to the agency I just landed with that I was rude. I only got in with them because the Conrads gave me a glowing recommendation. If he offers me the job, I will simply decline it, stating that it's not a suitable fit for me.

“We don’t get along. Partly why I’ll need you.” My stomach sours at the way the need you rolls off his tongue. I’ll never understand how women find men like him attractive. I’d rather die a lonely virgin than ever be with someone like him.

“I read through the job description you gave to the agency, but why don’t you tell me a little bit more of what you’re looking for.” I want to shove the words back into my mouth when a creepy smile forms on his face. His eyes are roaming my body as though I were offering him myself.

For the next hour, I have to go back and forth with him about the position. What’s weird is that he says the baby won’t be born for another few months, but he wants me to move in so we can get comfortable with each other.

“Would you like me to show you where you’d be staying?” He makes the offer as if I had accepted the job.

“Oh, I really can’t.” I make a show of pulling out my phone. “I have an appointment.” I’m lying right through my teeth. There is no way in hell I’m going anywhere near a bedroom with this man.

“I hope not for another nanny position because you’re hired.” I want to tell him that’s not only up to him, but I don’t. I don’t want to have any sort of confrontation with him. I’m already leery of being alone with him right now.

“Nope, personal stuff.” I wish it was for another position. I need to find a job, but I’m not desperate enough for this one.

“A date?” he pushes. “I’m not sure how I’d feel about you dating while living here.”

