Baby Contract Read Online Ella Goode

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Insta-Love, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 29398 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 147(@200wpm)___ 118(@250wpm)___ 98(@300wpm)

“You need to come, don’t you? You want that sweet release. I’m going to give it to you.” I drag my fingers along the wall of her channel until I find the small, soft patch of skin. She gasps. “This is your honey spot.”

“Oh, oh!”

“That’s right.” I curl my fingertips. “Let go, darling. Let go.”

She lets out a small cry. I slam my mouth over hers and swallow her noise. I thrust my whole body upward, driving my fingers hard into her. She explodes, her cum covering my fingers, drenching my hand. I keep going until her shaky body slumps against me. Her forehead is slightly damp from her body’s exertions. A shiver shakes her spine. I ease out of her and slide down until we are flat on the bed. My fingers are still coated with her essence.

“Let’s see what you taste like.” I suck my digits dry, savoring the spicy flavor. “Next time, I’ll tongue you until you come.” And then you’ll be ready for me.

Chapter Fourteen


Iwake to an empty bed. I shouldn't be as disappointed as I am, but I can’t help it. I need to pull myself together. Being around Carr has me doing and feeling things that are way out of character for me.

There’s something about that man that is irresistible. Things got way out of hand last night. The memory of what happened between us has me touching my lips, thinking about the way he kissed me. Then Carr gave me the best orgasm of my life. How do I come back from that?

I've touched myself before, but it has never been that intense. I sit up, wondering where he is. Then I remember this is a business trip. Not some family or romantic getaway. Carr has a job to do, and I'm part of that job.

The giant ring on my finger is a reminder of that. This is all fake. I need to keep reminding myself of that every chance I get. Getting wrapped up in some fantasy will only leave me with a broken heart.

I roll myself off the bed, getting dressed for the day before I leave the bedroom suite. It quickly dawns on me that Carr has left. I find a note on the table telling me he'll be back later and that some items will be delivered soon. He also had breakfast delivered here already for me. I'm able to take a few bites before Violet wakes up.

"Hey, baby girl." I lift her from the bed, snuggling her close. "I missed you." I press kisses to her cheek. I already have a deep affection for her, it's unlike any other child I've cared for. I'm becoming overly attached to everyone around me. What is wrong with me?

"You're just too cute to resist," I tell Violet in a baby voice as I change her diaper, giving her some raspberries on her tummy. She wiggles around, smiling and flapping her arms. "Come on. Let's get you a bottle."

Violet and I snuggle and play together until she dozes off to sleep. It's impressive how much a baby can sleep. I check my phone a few times, thinking Carr might text me, but nothing comes up. I refuse to allow my thoughts to be consumed by what that might mean.

When a knock sounds at the door, I remember that Carr said a delivery would be coming today. I check the peephole to see a woman holding an armful of bags. What all did he get? I open the door for her.

“Afternoon.” The woman gives me a bright smile. "I have the clothing your fiancé ordered for you." I step back to let her in. He told her I was his fiancée. That means nothing, Addison, I remind myself. This is all pretend. He’s only playing it up. Still that word rolls off his tongue so easily.

“For me?"

"Yes." I attempt to close the door, but a hand catches it.

“Sorry,” I tell the second woman, who has her arms filled with as many bags as the first lady.

“This can’t all be for me.” I watch as they set everything down.

“If something isn’t to your liking or you need another size, let me know.” She pulls out a card, handing it over to me.

“Thanks,” I say, feeling overwhelmed.

“Oh, it was very much my pleasure.” She bows to me before she and the other woman depart. I stare at the bags, not sure where to start or why he’s done this. Then another knock sounds at the door.

“Oh gosh.” There can't possibly be any more bags.

When I open the door and see Robert standing there, my stomach drops. No good is coming from this interaction. I quickly try to close the door, but he wedges his foot inside of it.

“Don’t be that way, Addison.” He pushes harder on the door. I have no option but to step back. Robert steps right in, allowing the door to close behind him.

