Bad Boy Read Online Free Books Novels Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 46840 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 234(@200wpm)___ 187(@250wpm)___ 156(@300wpm)

My due date was just a week or so away and according to my husband I wasn’t allowed to do anything more than sit somewhere quietly until he got home in the evenings. “Melissa Troy’s

trying to eat the eggs again.” I laughed at the antics of her little boy who was toddling around the room after filching yet another Easter egg from the table and going off to hide.

“He’s just like his dad, greedy; give me that you little pig.” She took the pastel blue egg and placed it back in the basket. Linda and Mindy were in charge of hiding the eggs later

around the property for Andrew’s classmates to find tomorrow on the Easter egg hunt that we’d organized. Before Jake left this morning he’d told me in no uncertain terms that I was to do

nothing, to let the others do it all and they were supposed to do it at Linda’s place. Where I couldn’t be because I was no longer allowed to drive according to him and no one else was

allowed to drive me anywhere but him. Did I mention that he’s gone off the deep end?

Somehow everyone had gravitated over here anyway and in the end they’d just gone ahead and used our kitchen. There were at least six-dozen eggs that had been boiled and dip dyed. Now we

were stenciling little pictures onto the sides. I didn’t know we would make such a mess and Jake was due home any minute so there was no way to clean up or hide the evidence before he

got here. To the average sane person painting eggs will not be seen as a taxing exercise but to my husband who seemed to have lost his mind in the last few weeks it would be the

equivalent of lifting stone slabs of concrete to build a wall. I’ve never heard so many don’ts in my life. If it were up to him I would only breathe while lying flat on my back and

that’s about it. The only time he let me move is when we were in bed and even there he had tried to curb his enthusiasm, thank goodness that hadn’t worked out. He was fascinated with my

body, he’d spend hours playing with my growing stomach which always led to more fun times for me.

Life had pretty much evened out after the whole bomb scare. The next morning when I’d woken up I noticed a difference in Jake. He was overly attentive and sweet, not that he hadn’t been

before but for the next few weeks he all but smothered me and I noticed that he would bite his tongue a lot when I did things he didn’t approve of. So of course I pushed the envelope

because I kinda missed his bossy take-charge ways. I didn’t let on that I knew what he was doing. He felt guilty about the whole situation and his way of making up for it was to let me

get away with murder basically. You would think I would appreciate that after living with a tyrant my whole life but I found myself missing his growled orders. I wanted to bash him in

the head when I purposely disobeyed him one day and all he did was leave the room. I gave a lot of thought on what to do to bring him back to his senses and found the perfect thing.

Mindy decided that she Linda and I needed a girl’s night out so we went shopping. I bought the skimpiest most scandalous dress I could find. Of course I bought the dress that I was

really going to wear that night because I wouldn’t be caught dead in the thing in public, but I needed to get a rise out of Jake. I bit off more than I could chew that night though,

though the memory still makes me blush.

“Where is it that you three are going again?” I was putting on my makeup while wearing a thong and thigh highs. I’d already put on four-inch heels because I was setting the scene so to

speak. My heart was beating a hole in my chest because there was no telling how he would react to what I had planned. If he didn’t do anything this time I was at a lost as to what to do

next. “It’s a club, you sure you don’t want to come with us? Your mom can watch Andrew.” Andrew had formed an attachment to Jake in the last few weeks since we’d moved them into the

condo. The two of them were a sight, the big gruff biker with his shadow walking behind mimicking everything he did. Jake was so kind and patient with him it gave me goose bumps. I

couldn’t wait to see him with our own kids some day. I’d missed a period but haven’t said anything as yet because my body has done that before due to stress, but I was hopeful.

