Always My Babygirl – A Billionaire Romance Read Online Jane Henry

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 69
Estimated words: 66535 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 333(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 222(@300wpm)

I hold back a laugh. “Well, thanks anyway. I know it’s your day off.”

She rolls her eyes. “Please. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I wasn’t working.”

“Same.” At least, that’s how I felt until I met Gabriel. Now I can think of a hundred other things I’d rather be doing…

“I’ve got to scram or I’ll be late to my pole dance workout class. Oh, and be sure to fill me in on your date next time I see you.”

“Have fun and try not to break something.”

“Ha! Or sprain my vagina. You should see the stuff they have us doing. Bye, hon!” She blows me a kiss, heading out.

I wrap up a few things, then check the time. It’s five. I’ve got enough time to get back to my apartment and take a quick shower before the glam squad arrives. Game on.

Back at home, I pour myself a glass of wine. I take a quick shower. Stand in front of my closet, naked, trying to decide what to wear. Forget it. They’re bringing everything I need. I wrap a fluffy white towel around my body and sit down on the sofa to enjoy the rest of my cabernet.

Three bangs sound out from the door. I go to open it. An entourage of chatting, laughing, vibrantly dressed people push their way past me.

“Sit down, sit down, girl. Drink that wine. You don’t have to lift a finger.” A man who’s well over six feet tall with rippling muscles and chestnut skin reaches out to shake my hand. “Dimitri. Pleasure to meet you, Miranda. What are we working with here, gang?”

“Hi. Thank you for coming.”

He lifts a strand of my hair. “Okay, looks like we’ve got a natural blonde. I’d put her at a level nine, with professional highlights that have lifted her to an eleven. Girl, who does your lowlights? They look fantastic.”

“Oh, I go to Diva Darlings over on—”

He cuts me off, clapping his hands. “Chop, chop, people! Time is money.”

I hear the clicking open of cases, the unzipping of garment bags. Dimitri focuses on my face. With furrowed brows, he investigates every inch. “We’ve got dark circles and I think I spot... is that what I think it is? Oh no, girl. Not on my watch. Barbie, get over here and take care of this. Yesterday.”

A tiny woman with black hair rushes over, a kit in her hand. She looks past me, staring at my chin. “Confirmed. We’ve got a blemish trying to make its way to the surface. I. Am. On it.”

I take a sip from my wine, watching the circus unfold before me. They chat amongst themselves and soon it's as if I’m not even in the room. I’m like a canvas they’re going to paint, and I quite like it. After the whirlwind trip to my mom’s and Gabriel keeping me up past two a.m., I find the moment to be relaxing.

My hair is blown out then curled into shiny waves. My brows plucked, then drawn in fuller. My skin moisturized, concealed, and powdered. My fingernails and toenails are being manicured, and this decadent smelling lotion slathered on... everywhere. My only complaint is that with no free hands and Barbie lining my lips, I can’t drink more wine.

“Can I have a straw for my wine?”

She chuckles, and soon, my wine glass is in my hand and I’m drinking it like it’s chocolate milk in a grade school cafeteria. I sigh.

Barbie draws back her hand, looking me over, lip gloss wand hovering in the air. She stands back, crossing her hands over her chest. She squints her eyes, leans in, and bites her lips. She stands back again, hands moving to her hips. She gives a nod. “She’s finished.”

The team breaks into a little cheer-slash-golf clap. Strange, but endearing. They gather in, oohing and ahhing over me.

A deep voice booms through the room. “Step aside. I have… the dress.”

They move to the sides, parting like the Red Sea. Dimitri emerges from behind them. His eyes sparkle, his mouth turned up in a promising grin. Over his arm he holds a red silk dress. “Observe, my darling Miranda. The dress.”

I stand from the couch, my legs tingling from lack of use. Reaching out I stroke the silk, finding my freshly lacquered fire engine red nails are a perfect match. “It’s beautiful.”

Barbie’s disappeared but now she’s back, holding a nude bra and panty set. “Here. These first.”

The heat of a wildfire rises in my face. “Um… just the bra, thanks.” She gives a professional nod.

The robe goes off. I should feel humiliated, or at the very least, shy, standing naked before these strangers, but somehow they put me at ease, and I feel nothing but excitement for the evening to come. The bra goes on. Dimitri holds the dress out. “Arms up.”

