Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 77016 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 385(@200wpm)___ 308(@250wpm)___ 257(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 77016 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 385(@200wpm)___ 308(@250wpm)___ 257(@300wpm)
She’s been crying.
The thought makes my heart ache. Then I can’t help a small smile. She’s an influencer, and she’s showing her followers her true self. Addie would never dare to post a photo of her looking anything other than perfect.
Pride swells through me. I’m proud of Skye. She is her own person, and she owns it.
I read the caption.
Not every day is sunshine and filters. Sometimes life hits hard, and no amount of pretending can cover up the real feelings. I debated sharing this, but I know I’m not the only one who struggles. This is me, raw and real, after a good cry. Remember, it’s not about having it together all the time—it’s about picking ourselves back up, even if it takes a minute. Let’s be kinder to ourselves. Let’s be kinder to each other. #RealLife #ItsOkayNotToBeOkay #VulnerabilityIsStrength #SelfLove #Healing #CryingItOut #MentalHealthMatters
If I couldn’t love her more…
I swallow the lump in my throat—along with another sip of bourbon—and look at the next post.
It’s a photo simply of her hand, her nails painted a bright pink. Damn, she has beautiful hands. So seldom has she touched me with them. I usually keep them bound.
I don’t usually want to be touched. I want to do the touching.
Some days are harder than others, but that’s when I turn to the power of pink. When the day feels heavy, a pop of color reminds me to embrace my boldest, most fearless self. This is Make Things Happen from Susie Girl Cosmetics by Susanne. It’s my secret to feeling unstoppable, even on the toughest days. #Sponsored #SusieGirl #SusanneCosmetics #MakeThingsHappen #PowerOfPink #NeonNails #FeelGoodVibes #PolishYourMood
Already she has tons of likes and comments.
We all have bad days. Sending hugs! Easy does it. You got this!
That pink is fabulous! Pink power!
Girl power!
Don’t let life drag you down! You rock, Skye!
Gorgeous color! You’re still beautiful!
What happened? Sending lots of love.
That color rocks on you. You should be a hand model.
Don’t let the bastards get you down!
I’m tempted to call her.
Maybe text her. Tell her the posts are awesome.
I’ve got to be strong. She needs time to figure herself out.
Perhaps I need time as well.
I take another sip of my drink as someone sits down next to me.
“Hi there.”
I turn to see a blond woman smiling at me. Her eyes are a mesmerizing sea-green color, and she has a playful sparkle in them. She’s not really my type.
My type is Kansas farm girl with control issues.
“You’re hitting the sauce early,” she says.
“It’s five o’clock somewhere,” I reply.
She smiles. “In that case, can I get you another?”
“Thanks, but no.” I shoot the rest and signal the bartender for my bill.
“My name’s Sally,” she says.
I nod.
“Uh…that’s your cue to give me your name.”
Her eyes go wide. “I thought you looked familiar. You’re Braden Black!”
“I am. I’m also leaving.”
“Don’t run from me,” she says playfully.
“I’m not running from you.”
“Well, you’re definitely running from something…or someone.”
Damn. Am I that obvious?
She doesn’t press for more information.
Instead, “I’ll have what he’s having,” she says to the bartender.
“Put it on my tab,” I say, “but I’m still leaving.”
She grabs my hand.
Not so much as a spark, not that I expected there to be.
“Please don’t go,” she says. “You look like you could use a friend.”
Right. I know what kind of friend she’s looking for. The kind with billions of dollars in the bank. I’m not biting.
“Thanks, but no thanks.” I walk toward the door.
Only to run into my brother.
“Figured I might find you here,” Ben says.
“There’s a live one at the bar,” I tell him. “Tell her you need a friend.”
He looks over at Sally. “Damn, dude. She’s hot. Too bad you’re taken. I, however, am decidedly not.”
“Neither am I,” I say dryly.
Ben meets my gaze. “So that’s what’s going on.”
Chapter Four
An hour later, I’m at the Union Oyster House with Ben. We’re at my usual table in the back. I didn’t want to sit at the oyster bar with the shuckers. They like to talk, and I’m not in the mood for their joviality.
“You owe me,” he says. “I could’ve had that blond beauty on a platter tonight.”
“I’m sure you still can. She’s just your type. Classic gold digger. Just head back to the bar.”
“When my big brother needs me? I think not.” He peruses the menu.
Which is ridiculous, as we come here all the time and know that damned thing by heart.
“You think not? Since when do you talk like that?”
He sets the menu down. “Since you walked out of a high-profile meeting without an explanation, Bray. What gives? What happened with Skye? And since when do you let a woman affect work?”
I lean back in my chair, considering how much to tell him. I haven’t exactly been forthcoming about Skye. Ben knows my sexual proclivities. He’s a member of my New York club, Black Rose Underground. But we don’t talk about it. Our private lives are private.