All the Bold Moves (All The Right Moves #2) Read Online Sara Ney

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Funny, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Virgin, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: All The Right Moves Series by Sara Ney

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 97548 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 390(@250wpm)___ 325(@300wpm)

Normally I might be down with that, but not tonight. Tonight I am on a mission – not only to find my sister, but to find her roommate.

I have plans for her.

Twenty minutes later, after aimlessly wandering through the increasingly dense crowd, we still have not caught sight of Molly, Weston, or their friends. As Snow White awkwardly humps my thigh to the beat of Iggy Azalea, Bernie is behind me shouting “This is the best party ever!” But, with his Boston accent it sounds like he’s actually yelling “This is the best pahhtee evahhhh.” Yeah. He pretty much resembles a teenager who recently got let out of the house for the first time.

I continue scanning the crowd so intently I don’t notice anyone step directly in front of me, until I find myself colliding into a warm body - a warm body solid enough to cause my beer to freaking spill down the front of my pant leg with a splash, dripping to collect into a small puddle under my combat boots.

Just as I’m about to bark out a curse, I glance up from my soaking pant leg with a sneer on my face and almost shit myself - because I’m standing in front of Cecelia, and she looks fucking incredible.

It takes me a few seconds to recognize her – she’s wearing more makeup than usual, and of course, she’s in a costume.

A fucking mermaid costume.

As I wonder where the hell the outfit came from, I slowly take her in from head to toe. She isn’t wearing a wig, but rather… Cecelia’s dark brunette hair is curled in lose spirals down her back and around her face. A coronet of pearls circle the crown of her head (don’t ask me how I know it’s called a coronet), and she has some smaller seed pearls snaking up her lean arms.

Then, being male, my eyes immediately go to her chest.

Her breasts are being pushed together by the nude corset she’s wearing, practically spilling over the top; tiny sea shells and rhinestones are attached to the trim of the corset, a small starfish in the center.

Instead of a mermaid tail, Cecelia is wearing metallic aqua hot pants. You know the kind of capri legging things Sandra Dee wears at the end of Grease? Those are hot pants – and they look fucking awesome on Cecelia.

Stacked aqua blue stiletto heels on her feet… its one hell of a mermaid costume. The sexiest goddamn one I have ever seen…

Judging by the shocked look on her face, it’s obvious she hadn’t seen me coming – or expected me - either. Her eyes, rimmed with dark green eyeliner, are wide and expressive. Nude colored glitter shimmers, highlighting her cheekbones, her collarbone, and her deep cleavage.

Swear to God - it’s the most gorgeous cleavage I’ve seen in my twenty-three years.

“Matthew,” she breathes as if she’s out of breath. “Hi.”

“Hey sexy lady,” Kevin interrupts from behind me, before I can respond. “You look like quite a tasty catch.” He chuckles at his own joke, while Neve shoulders his way through. “Get it? Mermaid, fish? Catch.”

“Wow Cecelia, you look…. Amazing. But what else is new.” He leans over and greets her with a quick hug.

She looks at me, then glances at my friends, taking in their costumes one-by-one – then looks at me again. “So, lady doctors, hey?” She crosses her arms and props her leg out as she studies us curiously.

I seriously wish she wouldn’t, because her boobs look ready to pop out of her top.

I scowl.

“Yup – and my office is open if you need an exam,” Bernie laughs and gives his rubber glove a snap.

Kevin (never one to be left out in a group setting) steps forward to display his sign. “It looks like you could use a hand with those pretty plump mammories of yours. Free of charge,” He says with lecherous a wink.

The level of their perversion is actually pretty embarrassing, and before I can stop myself, I practically shout, “What the fuck, you guys?”

“Dude, what’s your damn problem? We’re trying to have fun,” Erik complains, scanning the crowd.

Bernie nods in agreement. “If she didn’t want us gawking at her tits, maybe she shouldn’t have them hanging out.”

Cecelia’s mouth falls open; her look of horror says it all.

I seriously want to punch Bernie in the face.

Neve clears his throat with a forced laugh. “Um, guys - maybe I should introduce you to Cecelia. You know. Cecelia.” He stresses her name, dragging it out, his dark brows pushed together as he bores holes into our friends. “Molly’s friend.”

He coughs loudly.

Realization spreads onto everyone’s face. Well, everyone’s except Kevin’s – mostly because he’s such a fucking tool box.

Erik lets out a loud “Ahhhhh, Ceceeeliaaa….” His hands go up - and as he says “Molly’s friend” he punctuates Molly’s name with air quotes.

