All Rhodes Lead Here Read Online Mariana Zapata

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 198
Estimated words: 186242 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 931(@200wpm)___ 745(@250wpm)___ 621(@300wpm)

“Is she okay?” she asked.

I swallowed. “She just admitted that she knows about me and Kaden and she isn’t going to tell anyone.”

Yuki’s head basically spun. “What? How?”

“Some fan page.”

She grimaced. “Want me to pay her off?”

Of all the things that could have made me burst out laughing, that was going to be it. “No! I’ll talk to her more about it later. What were you saying? Roger is coming to get you?”

She explained about her manager pitching a fit and wanting her to get to Utah tonight, so she had chartered her a flight that was scheduled to leave in an hour from the local airport. “He said he’ll be here in fifteen.”

“That sucks,” I told her. “But I’m glad you at least came and we got to see each other for a little while.”

She nodded, but her expression slowly turned funny. “Before I forget, why didn’t you tell me about Tall, Silver, and Handsome?”

I burst out laughing. “He is handsome, huh?”

She whispered, “How old is he?”

“I think early forties.”

Yuki whistled. “What is he? Six-four? Two-forty?”

“Why are you so creepy? You’re always measuring people.”

“I have to when we’re hiring bodyguards. Bigger isn’t always better . . . but most of the time it is.”

It was my turn to wiggle my eyebrows at her. “I wish. I mess with him all the time, and I don’t think he likes me much unless he’s in a good mood.”

My friend frowned. “How could he not like you? If I was sexually attracted to women, I would be attracted to you.”

“You say the nicest things, Yu.”

She lifted her eyebrows. “It’s true. It’s his loss if he doesn’t, but I swear I saw him staring at you the way I look at cupcakes when I see them in catering—like I really want one but my costumes say otherwise.”

“You’re perfect, and you can have a cupcake if you want one,” I assured her.

She giggled, and the following few minutes went by in a blur. The next thing I knew, a small SUV was pulling into the driveway and parking, and a man just a little bigger than Mr. Rhodes came out. Roger, Yuki’s bodyguard, gave me a hug, said he missed seeing me, and pretty much shoved Yuki toward the front seat of the SUV. It wasn’t until then that I realized she had gone upstairs to get her purse . . . and how the hell had she gotten service, now that I thought about it? I needed to switch providers.

She rolled down the window as the big ex-Marine went around the front. “Ora-Bora.”

“Yeah?” I called out.

She set her forearm across the frame of the window and propped her chin on it. “You know you can always come on tour with me, don’t you?”

I had to press my lips together before I nodded and smiled at her. “I didn’t, but thanks, Yu.”

“Will you think about it?” she asked as her bodyguard set the car into drive.

“I will, but I’m pretty happy here for now,” I told her honestly.

I didn’t want to live out of hotels anymore. That was the truth. The idea of living on a tour bus with my best friend didn’t bring me much joy or excitement anymore, even if she was the only thing that would make it bearable and fun.

I wanted roots. But that was something cruel to bring up to her when I knew that with each time she left home, she was more and more miserable. It was hard being away for months and months at a time, far from loved ones and peace and privacy.

And the little smile she gave me as Roger hollered, “Bye, Ora!” told me that she knew exactly what I was thinking.

If I could leave again for anybody, it would be her.

But I wouldn’t.

“Love you,” she called out, sounding way too wistful. “Buy a new car before winter! You’re going to need it!”

I was going to text her mom and sister ASAP, I decided as I yelled back, “Love you too! And I will!”

And she was gone. In a trail of dust. Off to fly high and nurture a career made from tears and guts.

And suddenly, I didn’t really want to be by myself.

Hadn’t Mr. Rhodes invited me anyway?

My feet took me to the house as I nursed the bittersweet visit that had lifted my spirits and made my day. I knocked on the door and spotted a figure through the glass making its way over. From the size, I knew it was Amos.

So when it opened and he gestured me inside, I managed a little smile for him.

“Did she leave?” he asked quietly as we walked side by side toward the living area.

“Yeah, she told me to tell you bye,” I said.

I could sense him looking at me out of the corner of his eye. “Are you okay?”

