All Grown Up Read online Vi Keeland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 94106 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 471(@200wpm)___ 376(@250wpm)___ 314(@300wpm)

I wet my dry lips and finally got out. “You look so handsome.”

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close for a tender kiss. He mumbled against my lips, “Have you ever had sex in the back of a limo? Please tell me you have so I don’t push you back inside and fuck up this night right from the start.”

I smiled. “I haven’t. But I’m not opposed to skipping dessert and having it in the car later.”

He took a step back and shook his head. “You look…beautiful. Gorgeous. Sexy. And so incredibly fuckable at this moment.”

I giggled, but the praise shot straight to my head to meet the two glasses of champagne I’d enjoyed on the trip in. I felt dazed and high, but so very happy.

Ford shut the limousine door and took my hand. “Come on. Let’s go inside before we don’t.”

I distantly took in the name of the restaurant as we made our way to the door. Osteria Isabella—I knew it was an exclusive one. Eve had mentioned it before…the type of place where my menu wouldn’t even show the prices. It was so sweet of Ford to go all out for my celebration. But I had no idea how all out he’d gone until we walked to our table.

Five smiling faces yelled “Surprise!” all at once. Startled, I took a step back.

“Eve? Tom?” Not only was my best friend here, but so were my three study partners. I looked at Ford. “How? When?”

“I swiped your phone when you were in the shower and took their numbers to arrange tonight. You deserve a real celebration.”

I felt an ache in my chest, and my eyes started to well up. No one had ever done anything so thoughtful for me. All eyes from the table were on us. Choked up, I didn’t have the words to express my gratitude, but I knew what would speak volumes. For the first time, I didn’t hesitate. I reached up and took Ford’s beautiful face in my hands and pulled his lips down to meet mine—in public, in front of all my friends.

After, he leaned down to my ear. “Thank you.”

I smiled. “No, thank you.”


“I didn’t know. I’m sorry,” Mark leaned across the table to me and whispered.

Seeing the confused look on my face, he clarified by pointing his eyes to Ford, who sat on the other side of me, currently engrossed in a conversation with Tom.

“In Montauk. I didn’t realize you were seeing someone, and I pushed myself on you for the day.”

“No. It’s fine. I enjoyed showing you around.”

Mark’s eyes dropped to my lips for a moment. He smiled. “He’s a lucky bastard. But I’m happy if you’re happy. You deserve it.”

“Thank you.”

In my peripheral vision, I caught Ford watching my whispering session with Mark, and I turned and winked. He smiled—definitely more comfortable with what we had now than a few weeks ago.

Throughout the night, the laughter flowed as freely as the wine. I spent time talking to my friends, celebrating our success, and enjoying good food and company. Ford and I hadn’t really spoken since we walked in. He was letting me enjoy the night he’d arranged, and if I wasn’t mistaken, it looked like he was having a good time, too.

We might not have spoken to each other much, but we shared plenty of intimate glances and smiles—one of which Eve had just caught.

She sipped her drink and gave me a knowing look. “I really like him.”

I sighed. “Me, too.”

“You look…alive again.”

“Was I the walking dead before this summer?”

I’d been kidding, but Eve raised a brow.

She looked over at Ford. “He came to see me the other day.”

“What? When…and where?”

“He passed by my restaurant and stopped in.”

“He just happened to pass by?”

She shrugged. “He’s crazy about you.”

“I know. I don’t understand it, but I’m finally starting to realize that for whatever reason, he really does want to be with me.”

Eve shook her head. “I’d do you if I was a guy.”

I laughed. “Thanks. I think.”

“You don’t see it, but you’re a catch. You’re beautiful, loving, warm, fiercely protective, loyal, smart, a great mom. Your asshole ex-husband never appreciated what he had.”

“Honestly, Ford makes me feel beautiful. He watches me while I’m sleeping sometimes. That might sound creepy, but it’s actually sweet. He’ll just be looking at me with this reverent face you just can’t fake. He’s made me look at myself in the mirror and search for the beauty he sees. And you know what? Sometimes I find it.”

Eve took my hand. “I know you need to do some things—hell, I was the one who bugged you about making your My Turn list. But you can have a boyfriend and still find you. Ryan wanted you locked up in his stingy little castle because he was weak and insecure. Ford might be younger, but he’s stronger and more confident in who he is. I don’t think he needs to be the center of your universe. He just wants to be part of your world.”

