All Grown Up Read online Vi Keeland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 94106 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 471(@200wpm)___ 376(@250wpm)___ 314(@300wpm)

Even though it felt completely foreign to take a woman out on a date and ask her to slow dance, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to hold Valentina close. We walked out to the dance floor, and I wrapped her tightly in my arms. She had one hand on my shoulder and the other clasped with mine.

“Did I mention how gorgeous you look tonight?”

“You did. I believe it was while you were looking down my dress.”

“I can’t help myself. I’m just so unbelievably attracted to you.”

She blushed. “Thank you. The feeling is mutual.”

I felt light—not just on my feet, but in my chest and in my mind. If someone had asked me a few months ago if I’d felt like I was in a dark place, I would have thought they were crazy. But we can adjust to almost anything—we start to be able to see in the darkness after a while, find comfort in it, even.

Val tucked her head into my chest, and we glided around the dance floor. It might’ve been the first time I was grateful my mother had forced me to learn how to dance. I felt content, swaying with this woman in my arms.

I knew Val needed to go slow, and even though I hadn’t had sex in a while, that was perfectly fine for me—this feeling was all I needed from her right now.


Bella’s car was parked in the driveway when we pulled up. She must’ve gotten off work early. “Do you mind if we check on Bella?”

“No, of course not. But…I’m dressed up. Maybe I should go change first?”

I shrugged. “It’ll just take a minute. She might not even be up.”

Val hesitated but eventually nodded. My sister was on the couch when we walked in, staring at the television. She looked back and forth between us and scowled at me.

“Hi, Val.”


I shook my head. “You’re going to give me an attitude? Yeah, that makes sense. I was definitely in the wrong for driving to the Hamptons and bailing your ass out of jail. And I should never have stopped a half-a-dozen times so you could puke your brains out. Not to mention, checking in on you all night to make sure you didn’t choke on your own vomit. But sure, be pissed at me.”

Bella rolled her eyes. “Get over yourself. It was one time, and you were far worse at my age. You’re not Dad, and I’m over eighteen now, so you’re not even my legal guardian anymore. I can do what I want.” She whipped the blanket off and stomped to the bathroom. The door slam echoed through the room.

My blood was boiling. “She can’t be fucking serious. If she’s going to act like a ten-year-old and can’t even own up to her mistakes, I’m not so sure she belongs living by herself at college. I still control her finances, and I’ll drag her spoiled ass home.”

Valentina rubbed my arm. “She’s just embarrassed and lashing out.”

“She should be embarrassed.” I walked to the kitchen. “I need a beer. You want a glass of wine?”


I poured her wine and motioned toward the back door. “Deck?”

She nodded, and I held the door open for her.

I drank my beer while leaning over the deck in silence, thinking.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Val eventually said.

I turned. The moonlight illuminated her face, and it hit me what an idiot I was. I’d killed the mood.

“I shouldn’t have stopped in to check on her.”

“No. You did the right thing.”

I blew out a deep breath and took Val’s hand. “Let’s go back to me telling you how gorgeous you look tonight.”

She smiled. “We can do that.”

I cupped her cheek and leaned in to kiss her, but she pulled back. “Bella’s here.”

I shrugged. “So?”

“What if she sees?”

“Who cares if she sees?” I thought she was being shy, so I reached for her. But she stepped back, out of my reach.

“I care.”


“I just do…”

“Well, I don’t. I’m not going to hide spending time with you all summer. You’re not a dirty little secret, Val.”

“It’s just…inappropriate.”

“Why the hell is it inappropriate?”

“It just is.”

The reason hit me. “You’re ashamed to be with me?”

“It’s not that.”

“Then what the hell is it?”

She tried to come up with some bullshit reason, but couldn’t even find one.

I shook my head, pissed off. “Great. I guess you’re not my dirty little secret, but I’m yours.”


I chugged the rest of my beer. “It’s fine. I’m tired anyway.”

Valentina looked surprised, but said nothing.

“Why don’t I walk you next door?”

She’d told me it wasn’t necessary, but I walked her anyway. After she unlocked the door, she opened it and turned to me. “Do you want to come in and talk?”

I shook my head. “No, thanks.”

“Ford…I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I’m sorry.”

Yeah, me, too. Me, too.

I nodded. “Goodnight, Val.”

