Alex & River (Bishop Family Origin #1) Read Online Kennedy Fox

Categories Genre: Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Bishop Family Origin Series by Kennedy Fox

Total pages in book: 296
Estimated words: 284055 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1420(@200wpm)___ 1136(@250wpm)___ 947(@300wpm)

“Zoey, this is my mom, River. Mama, this is Zoey. My wife.”

“What?” she asks in shock.

Fisher is doubled over, laughing his ass off. Kenzie and Elle are standing wide-eyed, and Diesel is grinning like a fool while my mother looks at me in horror.

“Well, not for long. She asked for an annulment,” I explain.

“When? How?”

“Vegas,” Diesel answers for me, and I glare at him.

With narrowed eyes, she slowly shakes her head. “You’re just like your father. I don’t even know if I can be mad at you or not.”

“Ma, please. Give us a moment, okay?” I beg.

I take Zoey’s hand and lead her out of the B&B, making sure no one follows us as I walk her around to the side of the building.

“Sorry about that. My family is…well, they’re all fucking crazy. As you can tell.” I’m nervous about her being here and rambling, but I can’t take my eyes off her. Fuck, she’s so beautiful when she looks at me and smiles.

“No, it’s okay. I didn’t know what to expect, honestly. I spent over twelve hours driving here and rehearsed what would happen when I saw you for the first time, and it wasn’t supposed to happen like that.” She chews on her bottom lip. In Vegas, I learned it was one of her nervous habits.

“You drove here? Over twelve hours alone?” I ask, surprised.

Zoey nods. “I wanted to clear my head.”

“Okay, so…what are you doing here then?”

She inhales a deep breath, then looks at me. “I didn’t sign the papers.”

My brows raise in shock. “I’m going to need more explanation here…” I pinch the back of my neck, reminding myself to breathe. “You sent me the papers and then didn’t sign them?”

Zoey fidgets with her shirt, but all I can think about is how I want to kiss those soft lips again.

“I-I thought an annulment was the only option since we don’t even live in the same state, but then I started wondering…what if there really was a connection between us? What if we actually gave this a chance instead of calling it quits right away? I couldn’t sign those papers without knowing for certain, so I figured I’d come here and stay for a couple of weeks to see if there was something more between us than just one drunken night in Vegas. If so, I’d have to go back home to tell my parents everything first and pack my things, but then after that, I could live here with you. That is, if you wanted to. I mean, you could’ve met someone since then, so—”

Closing the gap between us, I cup her face, interrupting her words by pressing my mouth to hers. Considering she hasn’t signed those papers and wants to see if there’s something between us confirms she felt something too. I slide my tongue between her lips, and when she relaxes against me, I deepen the kiss.

Eventually, I pull away, and as we catch our breaths, I rest my forehead against hers. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have mauled you like that.”

She chuckles and bites down on her lip again. “It’s a much better reaction than I was anticipating, so I’m not mad about it.”

That makes me smile. “Please tell me I’m not crazy for feeling this way after only spending twenty-four hours with you.”

Zoey swallows, then looks up at me. “If you are, then I am too.”

“You have no idea how happy I am that you’re here.” My hand slides around her back, holding her closer.

“I was scared you’d tell me to go the fuck away and push me out on my ass,” she admits. “Which I would’ve deserved.”

“Thought about it for a split second, then decided I’d rather kiss you again.” I smirk, bringing our mouths back together.

“I’m sorry I didn’t call—” she murmurs against my lips.

“Riley Alexander Bishop!” My mother’s voice echoes as I hear her stomping down the porch stairs. Shit.

She finds us on the side of the B&B and folds her arms over her chest.

“You have some more ’splaining to do.” Ma looks at Zoey and smiles. “I’m sure you’re a very lovely girl, but can someone enlighten me on how you two ended up married after one night?”

When I see Diesel walking behind her, I point at him. “Why don’t you go ask your precious bonus child? The one who dared me.” I say the words loud enough for him to hear.

“Excuse me? You got married on a dare?” She turns and looks at Diesel, then yells at him, “I told you boys to behave!”

Chuckling, I wrap my arm around Zoey. When my mom faces me again, her expression changes.

“Did you get her pregnant?” she asks firmly.

“Ma! No!” I turn toward Zoey, who looks frightened as hell. “Wait, are you?” My heart stops. We had sex a month ago. That’d be enough time for her to know she’s pregnant, right? My parents had me ten months after they met. No wonder my mother’s giving me that damn look.

