A Soul of Ash and Blood (Blood and Ash #5) Read Online Jennifer L. Armentrout

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: Blood And Ash Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Total pages in book: 219
Estimated words: 210867 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1054(@200wpm)___ 843(@250wpm)___ 703(@300wpm)

A flash of forest green tunic and a cream shawl caught my attention. I turned to see the true lady of the keep striding forward, her raven-hued hair swept back from her face, and her knee-length tunic and breeches seeming to snag Poppy’s attention. That wasn’t what held mine. It was the growing belly of Elijah’s niece.

Little Magda was pregnant? Again?

Well, she wasn’t exactly little anymore, but it was hard not to think of her as the long-limbed, pigtailed girl who could throw punches just as well as her uncle.

Who currently eyed Poppy, looking like he was seconds away from saying something that didn’t need to be said.

“I must speak with a few people, but Magda will show you to your room.” I glanced at Magda, who I trusted to be far more circumspect than her uncle. “Make sure she has a room to bathe in, and she’s sent hot food.”

“Yes—” Magda started to dip into a curtsy but stopped herself. Her cheeks turned pink as she sent me an apologetic glance before turning to Poppy. “Sorry. I’m a little off balance some days.” She patted her stomach. “I blame baby number two.”

“Congratulations,” Poppy said, her cheeks flushed. She turned to me. “Hawke—”

“Later,” I said, hating to cut her off like that, especially surrounded by strangers and with how out of her element she was. But I had to because Phillips was now inside the keep, and things…some things would begin to happen quickly.

Resolved, I joined Elijah. “Where are the others?”

“Making sure the outside is secure,” Phillips answered, his attention trained on Magda and Poppy.

Elijah chuckled. “The outside can’t be any more secure.”

Phillips turned dark eyes on the man, giving him the once-over. “We’ll see that for ourselves, sir.”

The smile on Elijah’s face grew as I briefly met Kieran’s gaze. “Whatever makes you happy.”

Kieran stepped forward, clasping Phillips’ shoulders. “Let’s see what we can get from the kitchens while we get a better idea of the layout here.”

Phillips hesitated, still watching the side door that Poppy had disappeared through. “Should she be alone with that woman?”

“That woman?” The smile faded from Elijah’s face.

I moved between the two. “I’ve been told these are good and trustworthy people. Let’s not offend them,” I suggested, more than aware of Elijah glowering behind me. “Plus, Poppy is not helpless.”

“Yes, but—”

“She is fine,” I cut in. “Go with Kieran so I can make sure everything we need here will be provided.”

His lips pressed into a thin line, but he went with Kieran this time.

“Are we going to kill him?” Elijah asked. “I hope the fuck so.”

I sighed, facing him. “We need to talk.”

“That we do.” Elijah looked over at the crowd of people. “Y’all get going. You got stuff to do. Do it.” He held up a hand. “And do it quietly. We have guests.” He paused. “Special guests.”

Delano briefly closed his eyes, shaking his head as there were a few grumbles. A giggle or two. Still, the crowd dispersed, most disappearing into the numerous rooms or heading for the dining hall. All except for one. A tall, rich-brown-skinned Atlantian.

“Naill,” I said, meeting him halfway. I clasped his arm. “Been a while, hasn’t it?”

“Too long.” His grip was as tight as mine as he smiled, the skin crinkling at the corners of his golden eyes. “Glad you made it here.”

“Same,” I said.

“I’m kind of sad I didn’t get the same welcome,” quipped Delano.

Laughing under my breath, I turned to the pale-haired wolven. “Might be a wee bit suspicious if I know every single one of you.”

“I know.” Delano came forward. “I just wanted to complain.”

I took hold of his arm. “It is good to see you.”

Wintry blue eyes met mine. “I was worried we wouldn’t…” He forced a smile. “You good?”

Yanking the younger wolven in for a hug, I cupped the back of his head. “I’m good.”

“Oh, fuck,” Elijah muttered. “You’re going to make him an even bigger marshmallow.”

“Marshmallow?” I repeated, pulling back.

Delano rolled his eyes. “Yeah, he says I’m like a marshmallow, all gooey and soft on the inside.”

“Am I wrong?” Elijah threw up his hands.

“You’re going to realize just how not soft I am when I knock your ass through that stone wall,” Delano warned, pointing at said wall.

“You wouldn’t dare.” Elijah chuckled, motioning us to follow him to one of the closed wooden doors. “Wanna know why? You’d be all kinds of sad afterward for hurting me.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” Delano muttered, but he did so as he grinned.

Smiling, I shook my head as I followed them into a study. I’d missed them—fucking missed them all. It had been a year since I’d seen some of them. Years for others. It was so damn good to hear them rib one another. All we were missing was my brother. My chest tightened, and I forced myself to inhale and hold the breath until I felt the knot loosening. Only then did I exhale. Malik would be with us soon.

