A Risk Worth Taking (Falling in Love #2) Read Online Nikki Ash

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Falling in Love Series by Nikki Ash

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 85274 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 426(@200wpm)___ 341(@250wpm)___ 284(@300wpm)

“Stop,” Lincoln demands. “That’s not who you are. You’re Eliza Bardot. A damn good student, an amazing dancer, and you’re a good person. I saw how hard you were pushing for your sister to find her happiness with my brother. You’re a good sister, El. Fuck that kid.”

His words spark a flame in me. He sees me, like really sees me. Despite where I came from and who my mom is, Lincoln Alexander sees me.

“He thought because I was from Booker Park, I’d be easy.” I shrug. “Then he got pissed when I refused to do anything with him, so I got an Uber and got out of there.” I sniffle back my tears as I stare at a couple stepping up to the elevator, hands intertwined, love in their eyes. “What if I’m destined to follow in my mom’s footsteps?” She spent most of her life begging for men’s attention and love, only to be treated like trash. Eventually, I think she just accepted it.

“That’s bullshit,” Lincoln says. “Look at Sienna. She found love and they’re happy as hell, on cloud nine. Both are good to each other and for each other. You are not your mother.” His eyes meet mine. “She made shitty choices. You’re smarter than that. And one day, you’ll meet a man who’s worthy of you. The fact that you walked away from that asshole speaks volumes of the person you are.” He rests his hand on mine and pats it gently. It’s only meant as a friendly gesture, but that doesn’t stop the butterflies from swarming in my chest. His touch is warm and comforting, and I would do anything to keep it forever. “You have your entire life ahead of you. Don’t let one dumbass bring you down.”

She’s dead. My mom is dead. Shot in the heart by Eleazar Gutierrez, one of the deadliest crime bosses on the East Coast. And he’s filed a petition stating that I’m his daughter. She should’ve told me. Warned me. Instead, she must’ve told him. Because he knows and wants me as his own. Sienna and Micah said they’ll get this sorted out, but I don’t see how.

“Figured I’d find you here,” Lincoln says, taking a seat next to me. I’m sitting in the garden on the roof of the hotel, a quiet place I go to when I need to collect my thoughts. Lincoln’s come across me here a few times and has dubbed it my place. The only people that have access to it are Lincoln and Micah since only their elevator goes up here. After the first time he found me up here, the entire place was renovated with new couches, tables, and flowers—like my own little sanctuary where I can just sit and think and be alone. He never mentioned it, but I know it was him.

“I thought when she died, I’d finally be safe,” I admit out loud as I swipe away a traitorous tear. “When I was eleven, she brought a man home to fuck. Got too high and passed out and he tried to rape me. Sienna saved me and, in turn, was almost raped herself. But I called the cops like she taught me to do, and the guy was arrested. You’d think that would’ve been an eye opener for my mom. Nope,” I say with a humorless laugh. “She disappeared for months, and the next time we saw her, she was high and fucking some guy on the couch.”

I glance at Lincoln and find his entire body tense, his jaw clenched in anger. I reach out and pat his hand. “You don’t have to be angry on my behalf. It’s just the cards we were dealt. Lenora was a shit mother and destroyed everyone and everything in her wake. So, I guess it makes sense that even in her death she would put her daughter at risk.”

“He’s not going anywhere near you,” Lincoln says, his voice steady and calm, so sure of his words. I wish I could be as confident as he is. “Micah, Sienna, and I won’t let it happen.”

“Stop! Please...Please don’t do this...” I kick my feet out, aiming for his dick, but before I can connect, I’m flipped onto my stomach like a ragdoll, my elbows just barely catching me before my chin hits the concrete.

My shorts are shoved down my legs, my underwear next.

I squirm, trying to get away, but a pair of hands hold me down while another pushes my thighs apart.

“Please,” I beg, knowing it won’t do any good but refusing to lie here and take it. “Please don’t⁠—”

I close my eyes and try to mentally block out what’s about to happen. I did this. I fucked up. Eleazar was coming after my family, threatening to take me. He was going to get custody of me, thanks to paying off a judge. Sienna and I were going to have to run, and she was going to have to leave Micah behind.

