A Cosmic Kind of Love Read Online Samantha Young

Categories Genre: Chick Lit, Contemporary, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 123
Estimated words: 117177 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 586(@200wpm)___ 469(@250wpm)___ 391(@300wpm)

“Are you sure? I mean, the media was pretty interested in you when you got home from the ISS.”

“Yeah, because some of the social media posts from my mission went viral. The fact that I was dating Darcy only stoked the flames in New York at the time. We’re not in the same situation here. This will blow over, Hallie,” he repeated. “I’m sorry if this has upset you. I’m sorry this person violated your privacy.”

“Our privacy. You have nothing to be sorry for,” I assured him.

“Are you at the office?”

“Almost. And no one is looking at me. No one cares.”

“You sure? I could come get you.”

He was so protective. I smiled, despite the swarm of butterflies in my gut. “I’m fine.”

“Text me when you get into the office?”

“I will. Talk soon.”

Despite my reassurances, I couldn’t help but surreptitiously look around to make sure no one was watching me. They weren’t. Chris was right. My friends were overreacting.

Nearing the office, I switched my phone to silent and hurried into the building, only to find Althea waiting for me in the lobby with a coffee.

“You’re an angel.” I sighed, taking it from her.

“You got my text, right?” Althea studied me carefully, like she was waiting for me to have a meltdown.

“I did.” I took a deep breath as we stepped into the elevator. “Chris said I shouldn’t freak out about it. That it’ll blow over.”

“I think he’s right. I also think maybe you two should go social media official. Once Chris posts about you on Instagram, papers will struggle to sell pictures like that when the public can see it for free on his account.”

It wasn’t a bad idea, I supposed. I just didn’t think he or I were ready for that.

“That doesn’t mean this isn’t weird for you though.”

“It is weird,” I admitted. “The idea of someone snapping pictures like that, watching us.” I shuddered.

We stepped off the elevator.

“Those pictures were hot though,” Althea teased.

I grinned through my embarrassment. “They had to print the one with my hands on his ass.”

She chuckled. “That boy’s ass is fine. Not one person in the world would look at that picture and judge you for the ass grab.”

I chuckled. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For making me feel better. I don’t think it’s quite sunk in yet, you know. The entire city woke up to pictures of me making out with my boyfriend, and even friends who don’t live in the city have tagged me in this. Goddamn social media.”

“It’s so like you, Hallie, to pretend like you’re not loving this,” I heard Dominic say behind me.

Althea’s eyes narrowed, but I shook my head at her and turned to face Dominic.

He wore a familiar ugly sneer on his handsome face. I refused to be intimidated by him or the fact that I could feel our colleagues staring at us from their desks.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I asked.

He raised an eyebrow, surprised by my sharp tone. “Uh, that no one here believes in your ‘butter wouldn’t melt’ gig. You’re just as ambitious as me, but at least I don’t pretend otherwise.”

“I’m sorry, what are you trying to say exactly?”

“That you acted unprofessionally by sleeping with a client in order to get ahead.”

“You motherfucking—”

I reached behind me to stay Althea’s angry rebuttal. “It’s okay,” I assured her, my eyes still on Dominic. “Dominic, your problem is that you think everyone thinks like you. But I don’t use people, I don’t tear them down, and I don’t walk all over them and their feelings to get what I want. I also don’t take out my own frustrations on them and blame other people for my failings.”

His lips parted in shock, and it sounded like Althea was choking behind me.

“Now if you don’t mind, I have work to do, and you’re standing in the way of my office.”

Dominic, blinking like he couldn’t believe what I’d just said, stepped to the side to let me pass. With my head held high, I strutted past him and down the hall. As soon as I was inside my private space, I sagged against the wall, my heart pounding, my legs shaking.

The urge to burst back out there and apologize was real.

He probably hated me now.

The worry reverberated around in my mind for a few seconds until an internal voice yelled, He already hated you!

It was true. Dominic saw me as competition and weak competition at that.

Yet I’d just shown him I couldn’t be pushed around anymore, and as sick as I felt, it also felt great! The world hadn’t ended when I stood up for myself with Dad, and it wouldn’t end today with Dominic.

Shaking off my nerves, I took a deep breath and crossed the room to my desk. Pulling out my tablet and phone, I was about to set them aside when I noticed the missed call notification on the screen. Five missed calls from my mom.

